Talk to me (BlitzoXStolas angst)

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      It had been a week past what their usual rendezvous was supposed to take place. Blitzo hadn't shown up much to Stolas's disappointment. The demon prince messaged his beloved impish plaything that night expressing how unfortunate it was to not have had Blitzo in his bed with him.
    "My silly imp you've forgotten our exchange today. I was looking forward to being at your mercy"
      The message was supposed to be playful and tempting. Stolas didn't really think Blitzo meant to miss their night together. In all honestly it didn't matter if they hadn't had a night of passionate sex. Stolas simply just wanted his precious imp  next to him. His favorite was after their sex he would snuggle up with him when the imp was too tired to argue and push him away. Blitzo would never admit it but he would maybe even move in closer but no not anymore.
    The imp was in his apartment curled up on his makeshift bed on the sofa. Loona had dragged him home after his constant hours working leading him to become overworked and snappy. Moxxie and Millie just shrugged their bosses behavior off as him being his strange self but his hellhound knew he was off. Blitzo was constantly looking at his texts and photos and pacing the apartment if he wasn't at I.M.P. At night Loona swore she could even hear faint sobs. When she asked her adoptive father about his behavior he waved her off dismissively. Typical Blitzo behavior. Blitzo was looking at a picture of him and Stolas. Blitzo was so focused on the bright smiles of the demon prince looking at his pained one through the screen that he didn't hear Loona come home. He didn't see her lean over to take a leak at his phone.
     "Is that Via's dad? Stolas right?" The imp nearly jumped out of his skin almost dropping his phone. "Christ on a stick Loonie don't sneak up like that" Blitzo exhaled a shaken breath stuffing his phone in his pocket. "Well? Why you looking at pictures of the clingy rich asshole?" Loona didn't actually think Stolas was bad. When her and Via hang out over her place he's a pretty decent guy. Plus she knows him and Blitzo have a thing going on. "I'm not looking at him I just happened to swipe past his picture" a quick swish of the imps tail gave away his attempt at lying. It honestly pained the hellhound to see him in such a state of distress. By the bloodshot look on Blitzo's eyes and the apparent reeking  of booze she put together he was once against crying. He never showed his emotions to anyone else but she picked up on them a while back.
     Loona deciding to leave the depressed imp alone went to her room in favor of calling Via. Whatever was wrong with Blitzo had ti do with Stolas and Loona refused to let whatever happened hurt Blitzo anymore. Sure he was annoying but he was still her dad. Adoptive dad. After the call Stolas receives several messages from his daughter about the call shared with the hellhound. The state of his Blitzy and how it certainly had to do with him. Stolas then made a plan to get Blitzo to his home to trick him into saying what was wrong. He can only hope that the Loona can sell it enough for Blitzo to take the bait.
     "Blitzo!" Loona slammed her door open making the surprised imp fall off the sofa. "I'm awake! Loona what the fuck?" The annoyed glare thrown at Loona almost made her laugh but she had to stick to her worried facade or else the whole plan to getting him to acting like his normal self would be fucked. "I was in the phone with Via when some guy came in to attack Stolas ,  you have to go over there now!" Was this story at all believable? Of course not Stolas has guards at every turn ready to protect him making that situation impossible. Though the now fully awake imp wasted no time on listening to anymore of what she had to say in favor of grabbing his backpack of assassin goodies and bee lining out the door. All he heard was Stolas was in danger and he was never going to let him get hurt again.
     When Blitzo arrive he had a gun in hand ready to shoot but he was met by the demon prince in his robe looking amused. "Stolas..? Where's the assassin? Why do you look so calm?" Blitzo was on high alert but started to lower his gun at the guilty look that started to make its way on the owls face. "Please forgive me for frightening you my dear but we could t think of any other way to get you here" Stolas took a step towards Blitzo and daringly pressed his wing to fully lower the gun in the imps hands. "Is this- is this some fucking joke? Do you think that this is funny? You trying to make me make up for last time?" Blitzo was angry, his tail whipping wildly behind him displaying that for the demon prince to know he should proceed with caution. "Blitzy I would never do this to hurt your feelings I just know we need to-" the imp let out a bitter laugh "is this because I didnt fuck you last week? Is that is? We need to fuck? Well fuck you Stolas because I can't do this anymore! " he was mad. Very very mad. Stolas was taken back by the outburst and reached to place a wing on his ditressed imp's shoulder. "No Blitzo that's not what this is about I don't care about that" Blitzo shrugged off the birds touch and glared at the ground not being able to meet his gaze. "Dont fucking lie to me that's all you care about" the imps tail wraps around him defensively "all I am to you is a good fuck nothing more" Stolas was speechless looking at the man in front of him , "just some peasant to make you feel better about yourself. I'm worthless to you" Blitzo hated he was even saying what he was too caught up on his heightened emotions so in a moment to regain himself he turns to walk away on to be pulled backwards.
     If you had asked him what happened he doubts anyone would believe him when he says he was pulled around to be met with the demon prince knelling down as low as he can before Blitzo. The price as gently as he can takes the bewildered imps hands in his own thankful for the gun that was dropped so he would t have to worry about it. "Blitzy darling please tell me you don't truly think this way? Do I make you feel like this?" The anguish in his words only added to the insane way the prince was knelling for him.  For an imp. Blitzo opened his mouth but no words came out. The only thing giving away how he felt was his tail not being able to decide between wrapping itself around his torso or flicking unsure. This was enough for Stolas to let out a sad sob feeling awful for letting the one he holds most dear feel so bad. Blitzo stood not knowing what to do. Wanting to run but deep down intrigued by the situation and where it was going. 
    Stolas presses a light kiss on both of Blitzo's hands before looking into his eyes. The imp looked away not knowing how to feel but was coaxed back by the owls wing being placed on his face. "My Blitzo my sweet little imp" his voice was quiet and full of care causing the overtired and overwhelmed imps eyes to become miserly. He has spent the last week distressed over the owl not loving or caring about him but here he was showing him nothing but that. "You mean the world to me. If you told me you never wished to sleep with me again I wouldn't care Blitzo. You are so much more than some easy fuck, don't you know that?" Blitzo shut his eyes allowing a few stray tears to fall. He was tired of his emotions and hiding. Here Stolas was giving him the opportunity to give himself to him. To allow him to care for him. "I- uh how could I ever- please stop" the imp shied away wanting to hide away like he always does but the demon prince wasn't going to let him.
    "Take your time Blitzo I will wait." The prince reassures "You can take all the time you want to tell me what you are feeling but please Blitzo just talk to me" Blitzo opens his teary eyes to be met with Stolas's shining ones that are filled with sincere care. "What if you don't like what I'm feeling?" A fear that little do they both know the other shares. The fear that what they truly feel is wrong and not mutual. "I'll still be here with you. Just us. I don't even have to talk back I can just listen. I want you to feel heard because you ARE heard. I'm here for you Blitz-oh!" The imp will deny ever doing so it will blame it on the lack of sleep but he wrapped his arms around the demon prince tucking his face into his neck letting out a sob. The owl stood to his full height scooping up the fragile imp in his arms in favor of carrying him inside to his bedroom.
   The night ended with Blitzo and Stolas sitting on the large bed next to each other silently. Blitzo was holding the princes wing in his lap not being able to handle any more of his touch. Stolas didn't know how long they were sitting in silence before it was broken by the imp,

"I think I'm ready to talk to you"

(A/N: this was just something I thought of. Blitzo feeling like shit and Stolas just taking it upon himself to try and fix it. Sorry it's short.)

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