Sick days (TeenBlitzoXTeenFizzarolli fluff)

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Barbie was thrilled that the day was finally here for her first date. She went into her brother's bedroom annoyed he still wasn't up yet. "Come on Blitzo you promised you would help me prepare for the date last week! I know we already did the fake dates to prep conversations but you said you'd do my makeup" when Blitzo remained sleeping she huffed and went ti grab for his blanket.He was gifted at doing makeup after all the times he had done their Mona's for her and she was not going to risk herself not looking perfect. "Rise and shine Blit-" she yanked the blanket off her brother to reveal his shaking,sweating form "zo? Why do you look so gross?" She watched as her twin woke up and curled in on himself his shaking increasing and him reaching out for the blanket his sister was holding. "P-please give it back I'm so cold" Blitzo felt awful. His head felt like it was going to explode and his body ached along with the awful cold feeling. Barbie frowned at the state of her brother and stepped forward to place the back of her hand to his head, "Satan Blitzo your burning up" her tail flicked behind her unsure and full of worry. Their mother was out of town with their father for some new tent options so it's not like she could ask them for help. Luckily she had some knowledge of what to do from a quick search on her phone.
     Barbie looked at her brother's shaking form with pity as she folded his blanket and put it to the side. "Barrie give me my fucking blanket I'm serious" Blitzo glared weakly at his sister but was in no condition to do anything to her. "Sorry Blitzo but judging by just feeling your forehead you have a high fever. The blanket will only make it worse." He flipped his sister off and started to sit up to grab his blanket back only to be hit with a wave of nausea. He used what little strength he had to fling himself at the trashcan in their room before emptying his stomach into it ignoring the pain that spread through him as he fell to the floor hard. "Ew gross" Barbie scrunched her face in disgust "okay uh shit look I'll go make something to settle your stomach and maybe ask if anyone has something for your fever." The boy lifted his head up at his sister looking green , "what about your date..? I'll be fine Barb just go ask one of the dancers to do it k? I'll make it up to-" before he could finish he started up another round of puking. Barbie really was looking forward for her date but she couldn't leave him like this. Suddenly there was a familiar sounding voice from outside the tent. "Stay here okay? I'll be right back!" She left the room quickly as Blitzo scoffed "the fuck you think I'm gonna g-" he continued to throw up.
     Outside the large tent where the family of Blitzo and Barbie lived Barbie heard the other performers who lived close to the main performance tent. She had since whipped out her phone to text a certain boy to come see her brother as well as picking up some things for him. About 15 long minutes later Fizzarolli came sprinting toward Barbie with a bag in his hand. He comes to a stop in front of her catching his breath before speaking, "where is he? Is he okay? Why are you out here and not with him?" Barbie let out a small laugh at the frantic state of the boyfriend of her brother. "He's pretty sick Fizz so I was wondering if you could watch and take care of him while I'm out? He'll prefer your company meek than he will mine" she didn't have to say another word before Fizzarolli shoo'ed her away in favor of him entering the tent and into Blitzo's room.
When he entered the room he saw Blitzo hugging a trashcan on the floor. He frowns placing the bag down and going to him, "my poor baby" at hearing the voice of his boyfriend he looks up lazily smiling weakly "hi handsome" Blitzo started ti move to get up before getting dizzy and falling back down. "Blitzo!" Fizzarolli rushed forward and pulled the shaking boy into his arms "come on let's get you into bed" Fizzarolli lifts Blitzo up and places him into the bed with no trouble as they lift each other all the time in their acts. As soon as he pulled the blanket over his boyfriend's shaking form he grabbed the bag he abandoned on the floor. "Alright Blitzo I grabbed every cold medicine I could as well a cold and hot pack" the worried look on Fizzarolli's face made Blitzo feel guilty for making his beloved so upset. What took over that guilty feeling was the warm feeling of being cared for and loved as Fizzarolli laid a cold pack on his head dispute the horrible chill it went through his body. "Alright Blitzo I apologize in advance that they had no pills but we have to get medicine into you so you can feel better sooner" confusion took over Blitzo until a horrified expression made its way in his face when he saw the liquid medicine in his boyfriends hands. "No way! I'm not taking it!" Of course Fizzarolli knew this would happen so he came up with a plan. As Fizzarolli turned his back to Blitzo he put the medicine in his mouth quickly before turning back to Blitzo. With a closed mouth smile he leaned down to give his boyfriend a kiss which the other boy accepted greatfully. Well until Fizzarolli shoved his tongue in the others boy mouth and released the liquid into his mouth. Gross yes but he knew he wouldn't take it willingly. The other boy looked betrayed at the action and refused to talk to him.

Regardless of Blitzo's bad mood Fizzarolli didn't stop showing his boyfriend with love and care. Between making sure he gets plenty of fluids and changing out the cold packs to cool him down Blitzo's sickness seemed to ease. "Fizzy?" Blitzo reached his hand out and grabbed the other boys arm making him turn around from cleaning up to direct his attention to him. "What's up? Do you need something?" The concern in his voice made Blitzo smile "thank you for taking care of me you know I love you". He responded with a kiss on his head, "You know I'd do anything for you" he cracked a smile "like putting disgusting medicine in my mouth to force it to you" they both let out a laugh before Blitzo gave him a faux annoyed look. "I'm still so mad about that Fizz" the smile remained on Fizzarolli's face as he looks at his boyfriend, "aww I'm so sorry but it was for your own good sweetie. How can I make it up to you?". It didn't even take Blitzo much thought before he tugged his boyfriend to him making Fizzarolli fall forward so he ends up in the bed with him "cuddle with me?" Blitzo would never normally ask such a thing as he would be too embarrassed but in his unwell state he just wanted to soak in as much attention as the other boy would give him. Fizzarolli smiled and maneuvered himself into the bed with Blitzo as he wrapped his arm around him to pull him close. Blitzo rested his head on his boyfriends chest and cuddled up to him with a content sigh. As he start to drift off into a peaceful slumber the lay thing he heard was "I love you Blitz I'll be here when you wake" the soothing voice of the boy he loved.

(I've been so caught up with work it's crazy. This was requested by @catsaresoooooawsome )

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