Thawed heart (Striker X Andrealphus fluff)

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                      (To set the scene this is taking place before the Harvest Festival where Striker was hired by Octavia to kill Stolas, but things ended up going differently because of Andrealphus stepped in)

         He held the blessing-tipped rifle in his hands as he sat in Andrealphus's castle. Stella had ordered him to meet her there, but little did she know he was already there. Hidden away from people's sight. She had ordered him to off her cheating husband considering he actively was sleeping with an imp. She offered him a large sum of money that would keep him comfortable for the rest of his life but seeing the sum made him feel sour. He loathed himself for even getting mixed up with the lunatic owl, but he couldn't refuse her now. It was either he did this, or she rid of him. Rid of him like the 'pathetic imp scum' she insisted his kind was. The anger inside him at a pompous royal like her made him wish he could point the gun at her instead. Though he couldn't do that either or else his whole world would fall apart. Not because he would most likely be killed or imprisoned for killing a Goetia but because he would lose the only thing that kept him grounded. The person he owed his life to. 

     "You there, imp who do you think you are slacking off" A cold icy tone made him abruptly put the rifle back into its case turning to see Andrealphus in all his Ice lord glory. The Goetia's eyes softened as he realized who it was when Striker turned around, but his outburst got the attention of other staff. The prince couldn't go soft with so many eyes on them. "Oh, I'm sorry I was just-" Striker was cut off by the prince delivering a sharp smack across his face and going past him "Don't speak to be scum and get back to your work". Striker knew why he did what he did but it left an unsettling feeling within him.  Scum. His tail rattled dangerously behind him as he growled scaring some much smaller imps around him. Imps were capable of so much and by making this kill he would prove that. As he walked the long halls, he could hear the annoying laugh of Stella and the voice of Andrealphus saying something that must've amused her. Striker was making his way out the door before an all too familiar tone called upon him. "Striker where are you going?" his tail flicked behind him as he turned giving the price the look, they gave each other whenever there was a slip up. Although she seemed dumb Stella let out a confused bird noise. "How do you know his name brother? You never address them like they are people" her screechy voice spoke making Striker want to just pull the gun on himself instead to end his misery. "Oh, uh what is it you have there? Are you stealing from me you pathetic imp?" Andrealphus quickly changed the topic by putting all the heat back onto the imp. Striker opened his mouth to speak but the annoying voice of Stella spoke over him to which he shut his mouth. Imps are to 'know their place' and be quiet when 'those who matter' speak he has head Andrealphus say to him imp staff. "Oh, Andrealphus I forgot to tell you! This is the imp willing to throw his pathetic life down the drain to kill off my excuse of a husband at the stupid festival he does every year!" She screeched so proud of herself for making this decision. Striker watched as the Ice Lord's face morphed into one that was unreadable. "He will not" his voice came out cold and sharp making Stell's face take on an annoyed and confused, "well why the fuck not? It is a perfect plan! I even got a blessing tipped weapon to complete the job". Striker felt the rooms temperature drop drastically before the goetia glared absolute hatred that shocked Striker "Leave at once your pathetic imp before I rid of you myself" his tone cut through Striker like frost bite, but he didn't question it and turned to leave. "Drop the case" the voice said making him follow the command before exiting.

       It was freezing outside where Andrealphus was located which made complete sense seeing as who he was and what he was in charge of. He had been waiting outside for at least an hour by now and frankly he as growing tired. He felt belittled and wanted to cause a ruckus just to prove he could. He was strong and amazing at everything he ever tried his hand at. Then he thought about the imp Stolas was with. An imp that ran his own life because he didn't give a shit what anyone thought. Not even a prince of hell like Stolas. By killing the prince, he would only be making a hypocritical move. How would he feel if someone did that to Andrealphus? Granted no one would ever know about the way they feel for the other. Out in public he was just imp scum. Striker hated the jealous feeling he got inside at how Stolas was okay with treating his imp fairly and with care even with the whole world watching. All he got was a slap and threats. He was taken from his thoughts at feeling a blanket being draped over his shoulders. Striker didn't need to turn around to know the presence behind him. "Look at me" Andrealphus's voice was softer, warmer than it as a while ago. "Is that an order your highness?" Striker's voice took on the cold tone that was typical heard from the owl man trying to earn back his favor. "Please sweetie you know I didn't-" "but you did!" he swung around flinging the blanket at him in a fit of rage.  They met face to face with one of anger and one of sadness. After a few silent moments Striker stood down and his tail rattled behind him as it swayed. "Sorry I know you had no choice I just being selfish" the cowboy sighed to which the owl took this as an opportunity to touch the imps' shoulders. "No, no I was much harsher than we agreed to when he started this relationship, and you deserve an explanation. Will you just hear me out?". Looking into the Ice Lord's eyes he knew he could never say no so with a nod he allowed the Goetia to explain. "When Stella explained what she hired you to do I couldn't help but feel scared for what could happen. I don't give a shit about that husband of hers but if you got caught do you realize what that could do to you? You would be tortured and killed for what you did" his voice broke, "What would I do without you? I couldn't live without you here with me. Then she said what was in that brief case and I just lost it. I didn't care if Stella thought ill of me, I just could not allow my precious little imp to do something so dangerous and reckless.". Striker stood still taking in all of his words. It was so strange their relationship. How it all started between them would be a story for another time. "Satan Andy you know I can't process when you say sappy shit like that" he said with a smile forming on his face as the tension between the two started to slip away. Taking in Striker's shivering form Andrealphus scooped up the imp. "H-hey put me down! I hate when you do this!" he growled with no real anger behind his words. "Now, now my big strong imp don't worry you are not weak for letting be take care of you now shush and let's get you all warmed up".

       Andrealphus carried a flustered Striker down the halls of his palace past a large amount of his workers who all stared in shock. "Andy they are looking at us" Striker whispered anxiously to which the price replied cheerly "Not to worry my dear if anyone here values their lives, they will keep their mouths shut" he announced loudly. The threat was heard loud and clear as they all retired to their work as if nothing happened. "Where is Stella? What if she sees" his worries all seemed to fade when he saw his prince's smile. "I kicked her out my dear because you matter much more to me then my sister now hush about all that and let me love you". Andrealphus shut his chamber doors and locked them before placing his beloved imp carefully in his large bed settling down beside him. "You are loved, you are cared for, you are strong" the owl man curled himself around the imp who flushed but melted into the man's attention. Striker was strong and he made sure everyone knew it but inside these walls he allowed himself to relax and let down his guard. "Birdy, stop I don't wanna hear it today with me" the imp sighed and looked at the owl. "Always Striker I will always be with you" the two stayed in each other's arms for the rest of the day it seemed. The rest of the world didn't matter. The job he was hired for completely forgotten from his mind. As Striker's eyes grew heavy with sleep his final thought was 'Only behind these walls can they be together, and he would cherish that until his dying day.'.

(I hope this is how you wanted this done I wasn't completely sure, and this was a very interesting ship. This was requested by someone, but I can no longer find their comment so hopefully they see it)

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