Confessions (BlitzoXFizzarolli fluff/very little angst)

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       Blitzo spent yesterday looking for the perfect flower to pick and a whole two weeks prior to write the neatly folded letter in his hand. He stood before the closed tent flap hearing the happy chatter from behind. People showing their love for the star of the show. He took a deep breath before walking forward to open the tent flap to peak inside. There he was. Fizz in the center of the room with people crowding him with presents and praise. Hell he even saw his own father hand him a card that says 'Wish you were my son'. Though that's not what made Blitzo tear up.  It was seeing Fizzarolli being loved and adored by all the people around him. He didn't care that people thought he was terrible. Sure it stung but he loved the smile that adorned the other boys face way more. The way his laugh echoed in a room with a contagious effect. The way his arms provided safety and comfort at his hardest times.
    Blitzo didn't realize he was staring until Fizzarolli's smile brightened and gave a small wave over at him. Blitzo felt his heart skip a beat before he felt it ache knowing for sure now he couldn't give him the letter. As tears come to Blitzo's eyes he turns to leave but not before getting slammed into by a worker holding a cake. Blitzo fell on his back hard making the wind knock out of him with the added weight of the man and the cake now all over the front of him "ugh look what you did kid! You ruined Fizzarolli's cake!" One of the other clowns degrade him. Fizzarolli quickly rushes over to his best friend's side shooting a glare at the crowd promptly shutting them up. "Get off of him can't you see he's having trouble breathing!" He scolds the imp and all but gently pushes him off of Blitzo. Fizzarolli gently takes Blitzo and pulls him to sit up and rest against him not caring about the cake the was now getting on him. "Try to take some breaths Blitzo you hit the ground really hard" unfortunately it wasn't just the hard hit to the ground making breathing challenging for Blitzo. He was in a room full of very unhappy eyes staring at him all the while being in the lap of his best freind. He saw someone pick up the letter with the flower attached making him despite the pain he lurched toward them snatching the letter away before running from the room as fast as he could. "Blito wait!" Fizzarolli called out.

     A lot happened in the minute that led to Fizz searching high and low for Blitzo and honestly he had a hard time processing it. He knew the circus would make a big deal about his birthday and he loved them all for how sweet they are but even he had his limits. He was over the moon when he saw Blitzo in the doorway and was very ready to have a more genuine person around who liked him for him and not just his talents. He was confused when Blitzo started to leave but it was very quickly replaced with worry when the other imp ran into him with the cake. Yes he heard what the other imps were saying, "ugh what's he doing here?" , "leave it up to him to ruin a good thing" , "who's that?". He hated them at those times. Blitzo was just as good as he was and deserved just as much as he did. Sure he lacked in a few fields but he was still perfect in Fizzarolli's eyes. Besides they act like he was the one who ran into the other imp and not the other way around. "Shut up" he glared at the others which made them shut up pretty quick as it wasn't like the young clown to behave like that.  Of course Fizz going over to the boy was enough to make them quiet but he had to make sure they knew he was serious. Fizzarolli tried to help Blitzo but before he knew it the other imp boy was snatching something from someone else and off. Leaving them to the present.

      "Blitzo! Where are you? Please come out I wanna make sure your alright" Fizzarolli frowned with concern. Why did he run? What was so important that he took from the other imp. Yeah he saw it in Blitzo's hand earlier but surely it wouldn't cause him to flee. It wasn't until he heard sniffling coming from a performance tent. Fizzarolli followed the sound inside to behind a set of bleachers where he found a curled up form of his best friend. Fizzarolli frowned and stepped forward "Blitzo?" The sound of his name startled the other imp into swishing his tail defensively hitting the other boy in the knee. "Ouch! Blitzo what the fuck was that for?" Fizzarolli leaned down to rub the spot where he got hit before looking at a wide eyed Blitzo. "F-fizz? Fuck I'm so sorry you startled me and-" he seemed to remember the state to himself and quickly wiped the tears from his eyes smearing cake on him. "What are you doing here shouldn't you be at your party? Or are you here because you mad about the cake? I really didn't mean it" the distressed teen hugged his legs closer and looked down to avoid eye contact. "I'm sorry for ruining your day". Fizzarolli was astonished at the state of his closest friend. He knows Blitzo struggles with how he feels about himself and here he was thinking that he was mad at him over some stupid cake. He kneeled next to the other imp and gave a gently smile, "you know I could never be mad at you Blitzy" he cooed and nudged Blitzo. "You know I hate when you call me that" the blush that made his way on his face betrayed his words. "Aww I know that's a lot Blitzy darling" Fizzarolli smiled brightly and tilted the others boys face to look up "your all messy with cake" Fizzarolli licked his thumb and wiped his finger on Blitzo's face to wipe the cake off even though he as a whole was covered in it. Blitzo waved his hand away, "gross I don't want your spit on me" he chuckled fondly at his antics. "If that were true we wouldn't  have our spit handshakes when we make..." his eyes trial to a folded piece of paper and a flower with the words 'Fizz's eyes only' "deals". Blitzo noticed his eyes and followed them to the letter. He scrambled to grab the letter and hid it behind him wish a sheepish grin. "That's for me right? Said my name. Why are you hiding it?" A genuine question. Why was he making such a big deal over a letter? Fizz already got tons of cards on his birthday already but in reality he was waiting for one person and one persons only gift. The only one that meant something to him. Blitzo always took time and got him something meaningful that showed he really cared. He saved each and every thing. Maybe it's a surprise?

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