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"Hello? Who's this? If you're trying to scam me again it's not going to work!"

"Mom, it's me. I need you to come get me. I've been arrested for attacking a police officer. I'm free now, but I need a rid-"

"NO! It makes no difference if it has a handle, I will not buy it!"

 "Are you even listening to me?"

"Oh for f- If you could hold on one moment, someone's speaking to me on the other line... Yes, Suzy?"

"I'm not Suzy. I'm Ree. Or Vera as you preferred to call me."

"Who? Hold on a second, someone's talking to me on the other line. There is no way I can fit that into my house! You'll have to come fit it in... Vera, I'll call you back, ok? I need to see what these scammers want from me."

"No, don't hang up! If you hang up I won't have anyone else to call. Please! I need to go home, I've been here twenty four hours already and-"

"... Revere why are you in jail?"

"I threw my marble cake at an officer."

"You what? Haven't I told you to stop playing silly games like that? Was she hot at least?"

"It was a he and no. I literally threw a cake in his face because he was annoying me."

"Right. Well what do you want me to do? Shut up, I'm trying to listen to my daughter! Honestly all that bleating scammers do. I bought five perfumes from them last week, all stolen designer pieces. Three came and I'm still trying to get ahold of the crooks for the other two that I pa-"

"Someone got killed in my building again, that's why I got questioned."

"Oh... did they find out who it was?"

"I don't think so. The woman's kid is missing though."

"Oh she had a kid? Is it dead too?"

"No! It's missing. You're not listening again."

"I am, I am. Ok tell you what. I'll come as soon as I can. Three hours, tops. You just hang on in there and try not to talk to anyone, ok?"


"Take off the price three notches and we'll see. I can't quite-"

I hung up.

The police officer looked at me questioningly.

"She's coming to get me soon."

"Alright then. I'll tell the others. Would you like to wait here or outside?"

"I'll wait out." I handed him my used underwear, orange jump suit and unraveling bob barker shower shoes and he threw them in a wicker basket and started walking me to the release tank, with a tattooed man following behind us (his greasy face and greasy clothes and greasy leather jacket were too off putting to look at according to the officer).

He's probably out on bail, or their O.R., He'll be back soon. I wish the officers behind the glass would hurry the hell up.

"Révérence?? Sorry Revere Eakes- Yikes, what a stupid name." The officer behind the glass snickered at his own joke and when I came up to get my things, I glared at him and he just laughed harder. He shoved a pen and paper work at me. 

"Sign here and here and rate your stay here."

Order of the Secretary of State for Permanent Discharge of Prisoner

Name: Revere Eden Vivienne Eroique Rose Eakes


D.O.B: 31/05/1977

Gender: Female

HAIR: Brown


ISSUE DATE 01/09/1994

Whereas the Prisoner above described is now confined in the above mentioned Prison: and whereas I am satisfied that, by reason of completion, it is undesirable to detain her in jail.

I thereby order the discharge of the above described prisoner, subject to the conditions specified.

Given on the twenty-six day of August, 1994.

(Signed) G. Quincy

To the Governor of C.Z. Prison

To all whom it may concern the conditions of this release are: The prisoner shall abstain from any violation of the law.

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