Not Here

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"Let me get this straight... gay... Sorry i had to. YOU WERE FINGERING YOUR ASS IN THE BATHROOM?" I wanted to laugh but also cry. I felt relieved. She wasn't really gay. Now no one would blame me and my sister would be ok.

"YES! I can't help it, I love doing it. Michael at school taught me how when we were comparing pps in the grounds."

"Listen... fingering yourself isn't gay. It's like picking your nose. Putting your finger up your bum doesn't change your sexual orientation. If it makes you feel good, do it. Don't listen to old Mrs Liria. She is demented. She says the same thing every day and gives you chocolates that expired in the 1950's. I got salmonella from those." I shuddered at the thought, remembering the horrendous taste. 

"Good night now. Keep fingering your ass... just make sure you're clean and don't fall over again."

"Ok Ree. Good night. Love you."

"Love you too, U."

I went back to my own bedroom. 

I decided to call Travis and see if he wanted to come to my place. It was still early so I knew he wouldn't be asleep. 

The phone rang five times before a woman picked up. I was surprised. Usually Travis' dad would pick up.

"Yes, who this?" She slurred. 

"Hello, is Travis there?"

She paused. I heard her burping.

"He went back like a day before yesterday babes." She said snapping what sounded like an elastic band.

"No... he didn't..."

"Oh... welllllll I can't help you. Bye girly... hehe stop it, Dick!"

After she hung up I stared around my dark bedroom, brooding. 

Where could Travis be?

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