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I was driving down lanes and highways, trying to get away as fast as I could when I heard the sound of a police car. I drove faster, even though they were chasing me.

"PULL OVER!" One of the officers shouted through a megaphone. 

I slowed down and they parked in front of me.

One of them stalked towards my window and i rolled it down.

He sucked his teeth at my wet cheeks and puffy eyes.

"Can you show some identification, Miss?" the police officer asked gently.

"I'm sorry," I stuttered, "I forgot my wallet. All of my IDs and my driver's license are there as well."

"Get out," he demanded.

"Please don't take my car, officer." I wept, crawling out and nearly toppling over.

"Are you drunk?"

"No I'm sad."

"Good, why were you out at this hour?"

His look was uncomfortable, disgust mixed with pity. 

"I had a fight with... someone."

"Your boyfriend?" Why is it any of his business?

"Something like that."

You silly teenagers! Always getting your hearts broken. Take some advice and get rid of that asshole for good." He grabbed me by the back of my shirt and marched me to the back of hid car. I couldn't stop crying all the way to the station and kept asking after my car. They said they'd have my parents get it in the morning. I started hyperventilating, knowing my parents wouldn't be coming to get me let alone my car, from the station. Unless maybe Issa would...

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