Hit and Run

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I was smoking a black tar dope in the darkness of Issa's room. She was sipping a glass of Bacardi 151 rum mixed with Caribou Lou. We were sitting on the floor, against the side of the metal bed. It was quiet, dark and peaceful just how I liked it.

I looked over at Issa and she smiled at me. I knew she wouldn't smile if she was sober, but I pretended. I took a long drag of heroin, wondering what was it about her. She had the sparkle I found in people who were special. She was the most good looking one of all, but she was also aggressive and sharp and an abuser.

"Why... why do you do that to your daughter?" I managed.

"What?" She laughed and drained her glass. I poured her more and myself some too.

"Why do you hurt Winnie? Beat her and that."

"She's a bad kid. So wilful."

"All kids are like that... so why did you let your ex... do that to her?"

Her head snapped so loudly, like a twig ripping off a branch.

"Do WHAT?" She growled.

"Why did you let him touch her?" I swallowed hard, taking another drag of my ciggarette for courage.

"I didn't let him do anything. He chose to do it when I was out and when I cane back home Winnie was mouthing off to him and being a bitch and I was too tired to stop them so I just... went to bed." She whispered, drinking forlornly.

The sparkle started to fade. She now started to look a lot like my mother.

"You allowed it."

"What was I supposed to do? We were staying with him! We were homeless. Had no where else to go and I was so tired of living on the streets. You don't know what it's like, Ree."

But I knew too well.

I looked away in disgust.

She touched my cheek with her long cool nails. Her hand was sticky from dipping it in her drink. 

I swatted it away. 

She grumbled and then pushed me harder against the bed, climbing in my lap.

I put my ciggarette down so I wouldn't burn her.

I put my hands on her waist and tried to lift her up.

She dug her knees in the floor.

"You're so nice to me, Revee. So nice. You take care of Winnie so good. None of my ex's ever did." 

"Issa..." I slapped her burning forehand. It was sweaty and so were her damp bangs. "You need to go to bed."

"No... I don't like sleeping on the boards." Her hot lips stopped moving only to press against mine.

I pulled back so violently I hit my head hard on the frame of the bed. Then I pushed her off me.

"I'll give you my mattress to sleep on tonight, ok?" She seemed really happy at this.

I fitted the mattress into her bed, gave her my pillow and covered her with my blanket.

"Good night now."

She was already asleep. I put her breakfast bagel and donut next to the bed, unchained her properly and put a whole fifty in coins in the plastic bag where her food was.

I took any important things i had and left the house quickly, deciding to go back to my apartment. Away from them.

I got in my car and drove off as quietly as I could.

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