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When I opened the car door, the air bit me through my red blouse, right down to my yellow spotted mini-skirt. Or maybe it wasn't the air, maybe it was the fear that bit me. I walked up the large driveway, the knee deep grass tickling the back of my legs. The house loomed over me, all grimey walls, holey roof and darkened rainbow glass windows. 

I took a deep breath and quickly stamped over the grass, doing my best not to get my new uggs muddy.

"Don't go there!" I heard someone shout but i took no notice, quickly running all the way to the door.

With one last longing glance back at the street (and a glimpse of the person who'd shouted) I opened the door and stepped inside.

The house was pitch black and quiet. 

I lit it up withe the flashlight I'd brought, sweeping it over the scene. 

Completely empty.

"I'm here! What do you know?" I called. 

Silence. For about twenty minutes and then I suddenly heard strange groaning. 

There was someone else sitting on the staircase — well more like laying. I stepped closer and it started to look more and more like the boy from earlier. 

He seemed to be fast asleep. 

"... Are you asleep? I don't know how you could sleep in such a place!" I said loudly. 

He didn't even twitch. 

"You know im glad we met up. Now I can find out more about my brother's real feelings." My voice sounded false even to my own ears. I tried to smooth it out, clearing my throat. I nudged the boy with my foot. His head turned slightly so I grabbed his shoulder and shook it. 

Then I noticed a thin line of blood all around us and going to him, up his shorts' leg, up his bare stomach, making a circle around the gaping wound in his ches-

Wait what?

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