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"Are we there yet?"

The moon grinned down at us; beaming light falling on our path and sharpening our shadows. Mine looked bigger, as if I was the Mom. I was giving Mom a piggyback so it wasn't outlandish for passers-by to think that.

"Are weeee thereeeee yeeeeeeet?!"

Our feet echoed in the silence like in the beginning of a horror movie. Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation in particular. It came out two years ago but I still rewatched the sequel evert year, as we rarely got made-for-tv comedy fil-


"YES! Almost there. Jeez." I snapped and jerked her up higher so she would be distracted from crying. There weren't taxis anywhere insight so we'd had to walk and Mom twisted her ankle after only two minutes and begged me to carry her.

"Why were you in the club tonight, Cherry?"

"I wanted to see a boy but he stood me uppp. He is a meanie." I thought I heard her sucking her thumb.

"Which guy? Andrew?"

"Mhm. And he was supposed to be bringing his parents but he never came so I found a cute girl boy to sleep with instead."

"Sorry Cherry. I know you had your heart set on Andrew." 

"Well... I've never been very lucky in love, have I?" She said sadly and sounded almost her normal self again. 

"I'm sure you'll meet a good man really soon, someone who'll love you endlessly and always be there for you." I assured her, knowing it likely wouldn't happen.

"I have to teach Andrew a lesson first." She said darkly. 

"Like what? Bust his car tyres?" I joked, but my heart thumped anxiously. I knew what she was capable of.

"No, no, something much more... creative."

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