Searching for a thrill

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Rain sat in the overcrowded cafeteria at his university, poking at his omelet, which he had barely touched. Everything tasted the same lately, somehow bland.

Sitting next to him was his best friend Sky, who was reading a manga on his phone, enjoying his omelet with rice.

Rain and Sky have known each other since orientation week at the architecture faculty, where they worked in the same group on small projects like packing care packages and handing out flyers.

Sky turned out to be the perfect opposite of Rain. While Rain was extremely intelligent, he also let his weaker self win way too often. He snapped easily and could spend a whole day sulking or lying on his bed playing games on his phone.

His thoughtlessness often got him into trouble, as his mouth usually spoke faster than his head could tell him what nonsense he was saying. The many papers that Rain already wrote on top of the regular ones were just one example of the resentment he was bringing upon himself. His impulsiveness didn't help him much. But he was damn proud that he was a loyal friend who preferred to throw himself under the bus before anything happened to his friends. He also was a good listener who always had helpful advice and would drop everything to help his friends in any situation.

Sky on the other hand was determined and ambitious. Unlike Rain, he knew exactly what kind of life and future he wanted to have. He often served as a haven for Rain when he wanted to bang his head against the wall. He usually found just the right words to bring Rain back to earth. Well, at least he tried.
One of his greatest strengths was his sharp sarcastic comments, which he was only too happy to throw at his friends or closest acquaintances with a broad grin, leaving the puzzled faces behind.

Although Sky was engrossed in his manga (it was finally getting exciting), he noticed that Rain still hadn't touched a bite of his food. He turned off the screen on his phone and placed it next to his plate.

Sky turned slightly towards his friend to get a better look at him when he finally said: "Rain, I've been watching you for weeks now. You are constantly poking around in your food, pushing it from one side to the other, putting the fork to your mouth only then returning it to the plate. And I'll tell you one thing, if you don't start eating properly soon, I'm going to put it in your mouth personally and feed you like a baby. What the fuck is the matter with you?"

"Ai'Sky! Don't lecture me like that! I don't know what's going on right now. Everything seems monotonous and boring. I don't even enjoy taking photos at the moment. I lack the variety, the inspiration, the excitement," Rain replied with a pout on his face.

"It doesn't get any better from sulking and sitting around. How is that supposed to change anything?"

Sky was ruthlessly honest, another quality Rain appreciated. Only today he hit a sore spot.

"So what do you suggest?" Rain seemed annoyed.

"I heard from P'Pai there is an illegal motorcycle race going on somewhere in Bangkok. Since I wasn't interested in it, I dismissed his idea straight away, but if you feel like it, I can ask him more about it," Sky suggested.

Pai was Sky's boyfriend who was into bikes and constantly talking about which bike he wants to buy next. He wasn't just rich, Pai was "richie rich".

Rain thought hard about his friend's suggestion.

A deep wrinkle formed between his shapely eyebrows.

"I don't know, Sky. What am I supposed to be able to photograph there? Also, if I get caught, I'll get thrown out."

"Then see it as a thrill. You complained that everything was boring at the moment. What's more exciting than an illegal motorcycle race in the middle of Bangkok?"

Sky raised an eyebrow questioningly as he waited for his best friend's reply. As if Rain needed more convincing, he nudged him with his elbow.

"Come on! What could possibly go wrong?"

Rain nodded in agreement.

What could possibly go wrong?

Rain had absolutely no idea what he was getting himself into.

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