Let the hunt begin

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Desperate, Rain sat at his seat in the lecture hall with his head on the table. It had already been a week since meeting P'Phayu and he had no idea how he should find him. All he knew was that he NEEDED to see him again. Something about P'Phayu stirred his heart. At first glance, he seemed frightening and repellent, but at second glance a certain calmness and peacefulness flashed through him. His eyes radiated a warmth he had never seen before. He also had a dangerously dark aura that surrounded him, almost tactile, and Rain really liked the bad boy look.

How the hell am I supposed to see him again when the race is in a different place every time? Sky won't help me after last week. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Rain thrashed desperately, head still on the table, whimpering like a child in distress.

Sky rolled his eyes next to him.

"Rain. A week has passed. Face it and stop acting like a bitchy brat."

"Ai'Sky! You don't understand this. He looks like a young god. The way he draws you in with his gaze. You're hypnotized. His attraction is intoxicating. You should have seen him throw me over his shoulder like I was light as a feather. God that was so hot."

Rain's thoughts drifted to the evening. Sky waved his hand in front of Rain's face to pull him back. Rain blinked a few times to regain his senses. Annoyed, he braced his face on his fist and thought hard. It can't be that difficult to track him down.

How many citizens does Bangkok have anyway?

Rain googled the population.

10.5 million?! Shit! I will never find him.

"Pull yourself together", said Sky.

"So you had one good moment together, so what? You will find someone new and forget about this guy."

"I don't want to find anyone else, I want to find P'Phayu!" Rain gushed.

"What was the guy's name?" Sky asked perplexed.

"P'Phayu. Didn't I mention his name? I could have sworn I told you."

"Okay... don't freak out now, take a deep breath and stay calm. Okay?" Sky looked at him questioningly with a raised eyebrow.

Rain nodded expectantly, his head almost falling off. He sat in front of Sky like a little puppy wagging its tail.

"So... last week I didn't see the face of the man who took you back to the car. He was already too far away and you looked so distraught that I didn't want to ask you about him. I figured you'd tell me everything as soon as you're ready."

Rain looked confused. He had no idea what his best friend was getting at. Then Sky blurted out.

"I know P'Phayu."

Rain's mouth fell open, eyes wide. Sky rolled his eyes and closed Rain's mouth with a hand on his chin.

"I said stay calm. P'Phayu is one of our seniors. He graduated a year ago and is still in contact with the faculty. I've spoken to him several times to arrange our study programs. Now I also know why you are so obsessed with the stranger. He's so fucking hot."

Jealousy burned in Rain's veins. His eyes flashed at Sky. Noticing his best friend's change of heart, Sky continued, knowing all too well how easily Rain could become frustrated. He didn't have the energy for that right now.

"But I'll tell you one thing, P'Phayu is insanely closed off. I have no idea what he does in private. Many say that although he is extremely friendly, he would never say anything about himself. Even his classmates don't know anything about him."

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