Chasing that feeling

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When Rain woke up in P'Phayu's huge bed the next day, his head was pounding and his whole body ached from the previous night.

After they got out of the bathtub yesterday, Phayu carried him back to bed, placing him carefully on the mattress as if he were fragile and layed down close next to Rain, who immediately turned to his side to face him, resting his cheek on Phayu's warm and firm chest. He decided that from now on that was his favorite place and he started caressing Phayu's soft skin with his lips. At first, it was just light kisses, a gentle stroking of his lips over the hard lines of his muscles, a groping, but then he became braver as he heard and felt how Phayu reacted to it. Soft moans reached him and Phayu stretched out his pecs expectantly, eagerly asking for more. Rain straddled him as Phayu made himself comfortable on the mattress, placing his hands on Rain's hips, and licking his lips impatiently.

Rain ran his hands all over Phayu's upper body, caressing and memorizing every single muscle. He would never be able to get enough of this divine sight.

He leaned down to pick up where he left off and worshiped Phayu's perfect body, pressing countless kisses to his skin and sucking on it until small dark red spots formed for a brief moment, but they disappeared again after a few seconds. He watched the spectacle in fascination until he felt Phayu harden again beneath him and he thrust his hips towards him, a silent plead for more.

"Rain, what are you doing to me? My desire for you seems insatiable."

Rain couldn't avoid a proud grin creeping onto his face.

Phayu sat up abruptly beneath him, grabbed Rain by his slim waist with one arm and threw him back into the mattress.

"Oh! Phi!"

"Rain, you're driving me crazy right now with the simplest of gestures. Maybe it's your blood coursing through my body right now that fills me and fuels my desire for you, or maybe it's our bond or a combination of both, but I don't seem to have had enough yet."

That wild, all-consuming gaze of Phayu sent a hot tug in his lower stomach. Rain also couldn't wait to feel Phayu inside him again, even though it hadn't been that long since Phayu filled him and he was still sore from the first time. But he didn't care. He needed him, he needed him deep inside him, now.

This time P'Phayu took his time and Rain enjoyed every thrust. Through their bond, he searched for Phayu's feelings and soon he realized that Phayu felt the same way and his heart could have burst with devotion. He noticed Phayu watching him intently from above, a smile creeping onto his face as Rain connected with him. Apparently, he seemed to notice when he was using their bond and suddenly his feelings seemed to double. This abrupt change in emotions made Rain shudder and he dug his fingernails hard into Phayu's back as the amount of feelings seemed to overwhelm him.

Phayu's eyes glowed above him and his entire body caught fire. It felt like a hot sting was burning his body from the inside, but in a good way, in a way that had him screaming for more as Phayu continued his agonizingly slow thrusts into him.

"That's how I feel about you, Rain. A passionate burn spreads through me because of you. You are so special, so unique and I'm meant for you. Our bond makes you feel everything I feel for you and mingles them together. It's celestial isn't it?"

Tears began to fill Rain's eyes. Tears full of happiness and overwhelming love. He gathered these feelings into a hot knot and sent them through their bond to Phayu, who threw his head back with a groan and at the same time he thrust harder into Rain. Their screams filled the bedroom and Rain was grateful that Saifah was spending the night with P'Chai.

Thinking about last night, Rain buried his face in the pillow and beat the mattress wildly with his feet, because he still couldn't believe that he had sex with P'Phayu yesterday and not just once. P'Phayu, whom most only knew as the faculty god, but no one knew P'Phayu the vampire, let alone P'Phayu his boyfriend and heartmate. Rain was beaming with happiness and gratitude right now. He felt special.

He decided to take a quick shower and then go downstairs to look for Phayu cause it already smelled deliciously of bacon and his mouth was watering. He was damn hungry after last night.

In the bathroom mirror, he saw P'Phayu's bite marks for the first time and, fascinated, he carefully stroked the wound on his neck, then his chest and then his lips as he remembered the kiss in the bathtub when he tasted his own blood on Phayu's lips. His eyes beamed mischievously at him in the mirror and his cheeks turned red because he was already thinking about the next time with great anticipation. He couldn't wait to feel Phayu's fangs inside him again and his lips closing tightly around his skin and sucking on him.

Rain shivered.

"Okay, I need to take a cold shower this morning to cool down."

As he descended the stairs after his very cold shower, he saw P'Phayu cooking behind the kitchen counter. The smell of coffee and scrambled eggs was now mixed with the smell of bacon and it simply smelled delicious. Rain's mouth was watering, and not just because of breakfast. It was as if the sun was shining just for Phayu today, as it illuminated him in a way that literally made him glow. The tight-fitting black tank top and loose-fitting sweatpants also contributed.

"Good morning, phi," Rain said in a quiet voice, wrapping his arms around Phayu's middle from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder and watching him cook.

Phayu turned to him, wrapped his hands behind Rain's back and pulled him close to kiss his forehead and then his nose.

"Morning, babe. Did you sleep well?"

"Babe?!", Rain laughed at his new pet name.

"What? Don't you like it?", Phayu asked with concern in his voice.

"It just surprised me, that's all. You could give me any pet name, I would love them all because they come from you."

Rain rested his chin on Phayu's chest and looked at him with his big puppy eyes that held so much love for this man above him.

Phayu leaned down and kissed Rain's forehead again, but this time his lips lingered on it for a bit longer. They both stood there in the middle of the kitchen, wrapped tightly around each other, eyes closed and Phayu's lips resting on Rain's forehead, enjoying the moment that felt like time stood still for a few seconds just for them. At that moment, Rain was so incredibly grateful for all the coincidences that had brought the two of them together that tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks when he opened them again. Phayu lovingly brushed them off his face with his thumb and gave him the most enchanting smile he had ever seen and before he knew it, the next words that he had felt blossoming deep within him for some time gushed out of his mouth.

"I love you, P'Phayu," Rain whispered in a firm and genuine voice.

"And I love you, Rain."

Phayu sealed their confessions with a sensual kiss that tugged at Rain's heartstrings and sent a hot shiver through his entire body, taking his breath away.

"My Rain," Phayu said in a velvety voice, putting their foreheads together, both with soft smiles on their faces.

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