Cinnamon and honey

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The stranger still didn't move an inch away from him. His hot breath brushed the most sensitive part of his neck, causing his eyelids to flicker from the touch. He suppressed the urge to surrender to the stranger's lips, which hovered dangerously close above his neck. He wanted to feel them against his tingling skin so bad.

Rain shook his head vehemently to clear his mind.

He gazed at the stranger standing close by, who just wouldn't move.

The man kept his hands in the pockets of his overalls, the sleeves casually tied around his waist. His (very) muscular biceps and forearms peeped out.
Rain swallowed hard. His gaze wandered to the white shirt that fitted the man's torso like a glove. Every subtle flex of his pecs and abs could be seen.

Rain slowly lost the courage to confront the stranger. It didn't get any better as his gaze moved to the face that was now dangerously close to his. Rain flinched at the closeness of their faces. The stranger curled up one corner of his mouth in a crooked smile, his eyes blazed with amusement. He straightened to his full height and Rain almost caught his breath. The dim light didn't distract from his beauty. On the contrary, it enhanced it. The shadows that fell on his face caressed the straight and hard features of the man in front of him. He had tied his black hair into a bun, a few strands fell loosely, framing his perfect face. His brown eyes looked like liquid chocolate with a touch of... gold?

The light must be playing tricks on me, Rain frowned in disbelief.

His gaze wandered to the stranger's lips. His upper lip curled in a perfect cupid's bow, but his eyes were fixated on the small mole above his upper lip.

"How long are you going to stare at me like that?"

Rain flinched, interrupting the thought that was forming in his head. This mole had a hold on him.

Rain started to stutter: "I... I..."

His head was suddenly swept empty and the words stuck in his throat.

The stranger took a step towards him, but Rain backed away in response.

The stranger took another step forward.

"What are you up to?" Rain asked, his voice shaking.

"You fascinate me. I'm not quite sure why, but there's something about you that piques my curiosity."

The stranger moved smoothly in Rain's direction, like a predator about to capture its prey. Rain backed away until his back hit a brick wall. He felt cornered and at the same time his hair on his forearms stood up with fervent anticipation. The stranger was standing so close to him now that Rain could inhale his scent. The smell reminded him of an evening walk in the woods when the first flowers bloom and give off their sweet scent. Something dark, alarming, that Rain couldn't quite put into words. He smelled dangerously good.

The stranger braced his left arm against the wall and practically encircled Rain with his body. There was no escape. The man bent down to him, his hot breath brushed Rain's lips first, then his chin, further to his ear and finally to the tender spot between his neck and collarbone. Rain's body trembled at the gentle touch.

The stranger took a deep breath that shook Rain to the core.

"What's your name?" the stranger asked.

Dizzy from the scent and the heat of the stranger in front of him, it was little more than a whisper: "Rain."

He couldn't explain why he was so naive to tell this dangerously handsome man his name, but his mouth just didn't obey him.

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