I hate to see your heart break

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Days after their first date, Rain thought about it again, giggling like a little child every time he thought about them kissing on the boat. But he just couldn't help it. He was so damn happy and he couldn't wait for the next date.

After Phayu had helped him off the boat, Phayu pulled him close, cupped his chin between his fingers and planted a kiss on his lips that was gentle but gave him a warm shiver that chased through his whole body. Rain tugged at Phayu's shirt to pull him even closer and deepen the kiss. He didn't care if people stared. They should. He was here with the best-looking man and everyone should watch with envy as he kissed him. A grin crept onto his lips.

Rain stood in his room, blushing at the thought of the night and threw himself on the bed, feet kicking in the air until he was fully stretched out, staring at the ceiling. He had promised P'Phayu that he would take care of the next date and come up with something. But he had no idea what to do. He knew what he wanted to do, but was that what Phayu wanted?

Desperately, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and ran his fingers through his hair.



Rain covered his mouth with the palm of his hand, but Phayu wasn't around to hear him. He suddenly jumped when his phone started vibrating, slowly turning his head to his phone, eyes wide with shock.

He didn't hear me, did he? Can vampires hear that well?

He picked up the phone with a trembling hand and looked at the screen and breathed out in relief.

"Ai'Sky, what's up?"

"Rain? Where are you?"

Rain sat bolt upright on his bed, his hair sticking up in all directions.

"Shit! Oh god, Sky. I totally forgot!", he looked at his alarm clock in a panic.

10:30 a.m. Not only was he late, but he was super late. He hectically ended the conversation, grabbed his jacket and car keys and drove towards the university.

Shit! Shit! Shit! How could I forget the presentation?

Rain frantically pounded on the steering wheel to vent his anger.

At 11:00 a.m. he arrived at the faculty and stood, completely out of breath, in front of the lecture hall, his hands on his knees gasping for air. After a tentative knock, he entered and saw his friends standing in front of their fellow students, introducing the presentation they had been preparing for the past few weeks. On the big screen, he saw the slide he was supposed to be presenting and had the feeling it was sneering at him.

Sky looked at him with a mixture of disappointment and understanding as he knew his best friend all too well. Rain liked to keep his head in the clouds and after the date with P'Phayu it only got worse and he understood his situation. However, he was also disappointed in him, because he had a great responsibility towards them as a group and they had to rearrange things just before the lecture and come up with a solution as to who would take over Rain's part.

Rain waied apologetic to the professor and his friends, hoping they would both forgive him.

"Mister Varain, how nice of you to grace us with your presence after all."

Rain bowed again and was about to offer his apologies when the professor continued: "However, you are 45 minutes late. Your group, your fellow students and I have waited long enough. If you think you don't need this grade, you shouldn't have volunteered for the presentation in the first place. At least that way you wouldn't have deserted your friends."

"Please, professor. I forgot the time and drove off as soon as Sky called me. It wasn't intentional and it won't happen again. Please let me continue with the presentation."

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