Merging into one

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Rain threw his arms around Phayu's neck and pulled him into a helpless, sloppy kiss. Their teeth crashed together and something scraped his lip.

Phayu immediately tasted the honeyed blood on his tongue. He couldn't help but pull hard on Rain's lip, intoxicated with a taste he hadn't tasted anywhere else before. It was unique. Rain was unique.

His hands cupped Rain's face to pull him closer. He ran his tongue along Rain's lip, sending a shiver down Rain's spine and making the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

Rain clutched Phayu's shirt. He wanted to feel him everywhere. The time without him was pure agony, he missed his warmth, his touch, his scent.

Phayu began biting Rain's lip, pulling at it and snapping it back again. The movement made him smile. The next kiss was softer, a flap of wings that made Rain's heart flutter. Their breaths mingled and Rain wanted more. His hand cupped Phayu's neck to intensify the kiss. He wanted to taste him completely, drown in that kiss that made him feel things he'd never felt before.

But Phayu eluded him.

"Slow down. If you're not careful, I'll lose control completely," Phayu said.

"And what's wrong with that?" Rain replied, biting his bottom lip.

Phayu caught his bottom lip between two fingers.

"Do you know how crazy you make me when you bite your lower lip?", his voice rough with excitement.

Their eyes met and Rain saw the liquid gold in Phayu's eyes.

"How can that be? I could swear your eyes were brown earlier. Now they look more golden. Do you wear contact lenses?"

Phayu let go of his lip and distanced himself a few steps from Rain, who looked confused.

"You'd better go now. Your car should be ready by now."

Rain jumped up and took Phayu's face in both hands to get a better look at him.

"Why do you keep pushing me away from you? What are you afraid of?"

Gently, Phayu took Rain's hands in his and guided them between their bodies. His thumbs began to draw circles on Rain's hands and he thought hard about his next words.

"I could hurt you. You have no idea who I am. What I'm capable of. You voluntarily went into the lion's den today and didn't even know it. You are the lamb that ran blindly to the slaughter."

"What are you talking about?"

Rain was perplexed by the answer Phayu gave him.

Phayu struggled with how far he could go. If he misjudged Rain, he would be in big trouble, if he told him the truth. He could already hear his twin brother Saifah saying how foolish he was to risk everything for a mortal boy. But fuck it. This boy was different. Not even in the dark alley did he show any fear of him. On the contrary, Rain gave the impression that he was attracted to him.

Phayu made a decision.

He let go of Rain's hands and took a step back. He closed his eyes and inhaled heavily. When he opened his eyes again, they were laced with many small threads of gold that ran through them like flowing streams, and then he let go. He completely poured out his dark aura to test Rain. To test if he was ready for him and his power. No more holding back.

Meanwhile, Rain didn't know what to do with Phayu's statement.

You are the lamb that ran blindly to the slaughter? What does that even mean?

Rain's thoughts swirled through his head, but Phayu's words didn't make sense to him.
He watched Phayu in confusion as he let go of their hands, who took a step back and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, Rain gazed spellbound into his beautiful, yet unique eyes. He instantly fell in love with them, they looked like rivulets of delicate gold and brown.

Then he felt it. A vibration slowly traveled up from his feet and fingertips. A slight tickling gathered in his lower abdomen and gave him goosebumps. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was different. Arousing. Fascinated, he looked at both sides of his hands as if he could see the vibration that went through his body. When he looked up again, it took his breath away. Phayu was shrouded in a dark fog that seemed to be emanating from his body. He stood in front of him with his arms slightly outstretched, palms facing him, and eyes fixed on him. Some strands fell loose from his bun and moved like a wind blowing through the enclosed space. He looked divine.

He cautiously took a step towards Phayu. He had never seen such beauty. Rain could feel Phayu's power exuding in every fiber of his being. It was exhilarating.

The fog enveloped Rain like a second skin and the vibration increased. So did the tugging in his abdomen. The fog nestled coolly against his skin. He noticed that Phayu followed his every move. That animalistic look had already cast a spell over him in the alley.

He slowly reached out a hand and placed it on Phayu's chest. He didn't know why he was doing that. His hand was drawn to it like a magnet. Something went through him like lightning and he threw his neck back in intoxication. His hand clung to Phayu's chest for support.

Phayu had expected Rain to run away screaming, not him coming close and showing no fear, but Rain seemed delighted with what he saw. A small amount of his aura, invisible to the human eye, was usually enough to keep people at a distance. Rain wanted to be even closer to him. He felt his aura curl protectively around Rain. That had never happened before. His aura was his shield against others. He carefully watched his every move. Seeing that Rain was about to touch him in this state, he watched him curiously and wanted to know what would happen next. His aura had never allowed anyone to get so close to him without permission.

The moment Rain touched his chest a surge of power shot through him. His aura seemed to connect him and Rain, tying them together as if they had become one. Astonished, he looked at this boy, who looked so inconspicuous at first but who now tilted his head back, eyes rolled back into his head. Phayu placed his hand on Rain's which still rested on his chest. He squeezed it lightly to see if he was alright.

Rain felt Phayu's hand cover his and give it a light squeeze. He slowly lifted his head to look up at Phayu, who was looking at him worriedly. His vision was blurry, as if he were looking at him through a dark veil.

"Wow! What.. What is this? That feels amazing," Rain said with a smile.

"I have no idea. That is new. Nobody has ever been able to walk through my aura, let alone touch me. You never showed fear. Not today, not in the alley. Who are you?"

Phayu looked at him questioningly.

"I'm Rain. No one special."

Phayu looked at him doubtfully and Rain felt uncomfortable. He broke contact with Phayu as if he had burned his fingers on a hot stove. Phayu's aura seemed to recede as the black fog slowly dissipated. The vibration in his body also subsided. He suddenly felt empty and cold without it. He wrapped his arms around his body.

"Give me your phone," Phayu ordered and Rain handed it to him without a word.

He saw that he saved his number on his cell phone, putting a storm emoji behind his name. Cute.

"What's your number?"

Rain told him his phone number and Phayu did the same cute thing and put a rain emoji behind his name. He had to smile.

"Go home now. I have to process what just happened."

"But..." Rain stammered.

"I know you must have some questions running like crazy through your mind. All in good time. I'll call you as soon as I'm ready, okay?"

Phayu gently pushed back Rain's auburn hair that had fallen across his face.

Rain nodded.

"Good boy."

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