I would get the stars for you

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"This is where we have our first date, phi?", Rain said, eyes bright and a grin that reached from ear to ear.

"Do you like it? I thought it would be nice to go star-gazing, since we don't get to do it too often. Nights in Bangkok are rarely starry and you said how much you'd like to see the stars, so I thought it was a perfect idea for...umpf."

Rain threw himself into Phayu's arms, resting his head on his chest with tears in his eyes.

"It's perfect."

Phayu wrapped his arms around Rain and pulled him a little closer, burying his nose in his hair. Phayu's heart must have skipped a beat seeing him so happy. They stood like that in front of the planetarium for a bit, completely lost in the moment.

"Shall we go in?" Phayu asked, looking into Rain's doe eyes, which were still a little glassy. Rain nodded at him and they both intertwined their fingers so they walked hand in hand towards the entrance.

Phayu let Rain choose a seat for them, and he headed for the last row of thick black armchairs to be further away from prying eyes, although it didn't seem to be that busy today. Nevertheless, he wanted to have P'Phayu all to himself and judging by phi's look, he felt the same way cause they shifted to a darker tone and the fine golden threads were visible again. He loved the gold shimmer in them, it was mesmerizing and he wanted to lose himself in it.

Just as they slumped into their seats, the lights dimmed and a spotlight shone down on the lecturer, who introduced himself and outlined the general flow of the show. The entire ceiling now shone and was covered by many stars of varying sizes, rotating clockwise until they revealed the Milky Way, which appeared to be shrouded in a purple mist and glittered gold from within. It reminded Rain of Phayu's eyes and immediately his gaze wandered to him, who looked up spellbound and listened to the lecture. Rain couldn't take his eyes off of him, charmed by the strong chin and sharp jaw that could easily cut glass and the straight, elegant nose. He was an image to the gods and Rain was here with him. Not anyone else, but him. He felt so damn lucky.

When Phayu felt Rain's gaze on him, he turned to him, put Rain's hand in his and squeezed gently, a warm glow in his gaze that hit Rain to the core and as if that wasn't enough, he led their hands to his lips and planted a gentle kiss on Rain's palm. A fleeting touch, but it gave him a tingle in his stomach, a swarm of butterflies awakening inside him. Rain had no idea what the lecturer was saying, he had completely lost focus. He blinked several times to regain his senses and his attention to the stars, even though it took all the strength in him. It was just too tempting to devote himself completely to Phayu.

As his attention returned to the lecturer, they were shown the constellations of Cassiopeia, Orion, Perseus, as well as the North Star and while they listened to the narration, Rain snuggled into Phayu's shoulder, hands tight around his arm while Phayu laid his head on Rain's, hand resting on his lap. It was perfect and Rain enjoyed every single second they spent together looking at the virtual starry sky.

"Are you hungry?"

"Starving!" Rain rubbed his stomach and pouted. Phayu laughed at the sight and pulled Rain into a tight hug.

"Then it's good that I reserved a table for us", Phayu rubbed their noses together and felt through their bond how happy Rain was. It felt like a warm summer breeze slowly wafting all over his body. At first, he had been skeptical about the bond, finding it odd to know how each other felt. But he enjoyed knowing whether Rain was okay or not. Whether he liked things or not. It was as if this would allow him to better understand and get to know Rain more quickly.

"Where are you taking us?", Rain asked.

Phayu shook his head.

"I won't tell you. You'll find out soon enough."

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