Marking what's mine

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"Stop, so you're honoring us with your presence again," P'Phayu replied and Rain could hear from his voice that P'Phayu didn't consider him a friend.

"I thought it was time to show the mob how to ride a motorcycle properly."

The smug grin on Stop's face grew wider and Rain gave a subtle snort behind P'Phayu's back.

"And who are you to think you can judge me?"

Stop took a step towards the two and P'Phayu's entire body immediately tensed, ready to prevent Stop from getting too close to Rain.

"Oooh! Look who's getting possessive and rebellious", Stop said scornfully and took another provocative step towards the two.

"I'm warning you exactly once, stay away from Rain. He belongs to me," came a throaty and frightening voice from Phayu, sending an icy cold shiver down Rain's spine.

Stop remained unimpressed. Cockily, Stop came up right in front of Phayu's face, challenging him with a snickering grin and only then did Rain realize that there was a golden shimmer in his eyes too. It wasn't as pure and flowing as Phayu's, but it was visible. So Stop was a vampire too, Rain realized with shock.

"Well, you are a very nice toy, can I borrow you?" he asked mischievously and stretched out an index finger towards Rain, looking past Phayu.

Quick as a flash, Phayu grabbed Stop's wrist and prevented him from even touching Rain in the slightest. A blood-curdling growl came from his throat and Rain gripped Phayu even tighter, realizing that Phayu was ready to attack Stop. Through their bond he felt sheer anger rising up, which tightened around his heart like an ice-cold fist and then he saw how Phayu's aura was slowly pouring out of him.

"Woah, woah, woah. No reason to let the big, bad vampire out."

Stop took a few steps back and put some distance between them.

"That was an interesting start to the night. See you.... Rain," he winked at him, said goodbye and went with his friend towards the showroom.

Phayu stood in front of Rain, breathing heavily, his hands clenched into fists and not taking his eyes off Stop. Only when he no longer saw him did he withdraw his aura. In an instant, he turned to Rain, grabbed his wrist and dragged him along.

"Phi, where are you going? Your tent is in the opposite direction. Phi?"

Phayu didn't give an answer, instead he pulled him to the small camper that was near the race track, opened its door, pulled Rain in with him and kicked the door shut behind them. He pinned Rain to the door so the air was punched out of his lungs.

Phayu pressed himself tightly against Rain, there wasn't even room for air between them that's how close he was.

With both hands he guided Rain's wrists over his head, holding them with one hand and tucking the other in Rain's hair. Phayu buried his nose deep in Rain's neck and took in a deep breath of Rain's scent. Rain shuddered at the greedy and possessive gesture and stretched out even more, offering more of himself to Phayu.

Phayu's aura poured out of him, swirling around their legs until it completely surrounded both of them. To Rain, it felt as if not only Phayu's hands were caressing his body, but also his aura, as if they both had a desperate need to touch him, to realize that he was really there with P'Phayu and not with anyone else.

Phayu pressed a wild, all-consuming kiss to Rain's lips, pushing his tongue through their parted lips and claiming his mouth as his own. His kiss was rough and possessive and Rain felt that his legs were about to give out. Before that could happen, Phayu knelt down in front of him, relieved him of his pants and boxer shorts and took Rain's cock into his mouth, sucking eagerly on it and Rain held on to Phayu's head and the door behind him for support.

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