I crave for you

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As promised, Rain focused on his studies, didn't miss a deadline, and studied like crazy in the university library or Phayu's garage. Today, too, he sat at the small table in the reception area, tongue stuck out between his lips, surrounded by several books and typing on his laptop. He was staring at the screen, completely engrossed, when a hand came down on his back.

"You're lucky that you're so sweet and that you know the owner that you can spend so much time here," Phayu said with a wink.

"I just want to be near you, even if I have to study," Rain replied with a pout. Phayu tousled Rain's hair and gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose.Rain blushed at the sweet gesture.

"How much longer do you have to work?"

"Hmm.. 30 minutes? Then I should be done. How come?"

"How about date night?", Phayu asked.

Rain's eyes widened, he nodded eagerly and turned back to his laptop after shooing Phayu out of the office to ensure it stayed within the 30 minutes. Phayu left the office laughing and shaking his head.


Satisfied, Rain closed the laptop, stretched, and took another sip of water to recharge his batteries.

"Ready Rainyboy?"

Rain turned around and looked up at P'Phayu, leaning casually against the door frame and now wearing loose jeans and a white shirt instead of the overall.


"Don't you like it?"

"On the contrary."

Rain stood up and wrapped his arms around P'Phayu's neck.

"I love it."

He rubbed his nose at Phayu's, who cupped his face and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Pack your things and let's go, okay?"

They sat in the black Range Rover and Phayu drove them into the heart of Bangkok. Rain couldn't wait. It had been two weeks since their last date and he was longing for an evening with his heartmate.

"Will you tell me where we're going this time?"

His heartwarming laughter filled the car and Phayu reached out to kiss Rain's hand.

"This time we're going to the aquarium."

Rain turned into a bouncy ball next to him. Phayu laughed again and parked the car in front of the aquarium. From then on, Rain was glued to P'Phayu's right arm and would only let go when he pointed to a fish he particularly liked. The water of the aquarium was reflected on his face and underlined the radiance of his smile and a comfortably warm feeling spread in P'Phayu's chest.

After walking through the entire aquarium, they settled in the on-site café, which consisted of a glass dome in which tiny sharks and fish of all colors of the rainbow swam above their heads.


Rain couldn't stop being amazed. He was overwhelmed by the beauty of the underwater world.

"Have you seen the jellyfish? And the catshark? Or the clown fish? I haven't been to the aquarium in ages, I think the last time was when I was a child. It's incredibly beautiful here, phi."

Rain gestured wildly and looked in all possible directions while recounting his impressions of the day.

"I know something even more beautiful."

As Rain turned to him, beaming with joy, he saw Phayu scrutinizing him closely, his eyes burning into him. He looked around questioningly.

"You.. you mean me?!", he pointed questioningly at himself, both eyebrows raised.

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