The Snake Chamber

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Later that night Sebastian and I were in the library trying to find a layout of the school. When the librarian wasn't looking, we sneaked into the restricted section. We were looking at more books when we heard a noise. Sebastian grabbed me and we hid under a table. We thought it was Scribner.

"I can since your heartbeat from under the table Sebastian." Ominis said walking up to the table we were under.

"Ominis. We thought you were Scribner." Sebastian said, coming out from under the table.

"We?" He said as I started crawling out. "What were you doing to her?" He grabbed Sebastian's clock.

"Nothing." I said grabbing Ominis's hand. "Come in let's go back to the girl's bathroom."

Sebastian and I grabbed the books we were looking at and took them. Ominis helped us get past the ghost. There was one good thing about him being a Gaunt. We were almost out when Scribner caught Sebastian and I walking out.

"What are you two doing in the forbidden section? You better not be taking any of my books again."

"No of course not." Sebastian said, wrapping his arm around me hiding the book that was in my hand. "I find that area a good Snogging location." My face went bright red.

"Detention for you Mr. Sallow, and as for you Miss. Del Toro. I thought you were better than that. Detention for you as well and 15 points will be taken away from both of you. My library is not a snogging place." I glared at Sebastian as we left.

"Why did you tell her we were snogging? Thanks to you I have detention now." Sebastian just laughed as they walked away.

Ominis was already at the girl's bathroom when we got there. He got mad at Sebastian when I told him that he and I got detention. We looked over the books and found one page of blueprints, but nothing about a hidden space. It also didn't show anything about the chamber where the ancient magic is. I walked up to the sink and did Revelio on it. Nothing showed. Sebastian started looking at the faucet.

"Ominis there's a snake on this one." Ominis walked over to the sink and ran his fingers over it. "Maybe a snake got in out pips, and it just wants out."

"Try saying something in Parseltongue." I said grabbing Ominis's arm. He gave a sigh.

"Fine. Only for you darling." He said something and the top of the sink started to move up.

Ominis grabbed me in his arms and pulled me back as the sinks started separating. The one that had the snake went down into the floor and a vent went over it to cover it. We all three looked at each other. Sebastian moved to the opening and looked down. I moved close as well, it looked like a dark hole, and I cast Confringo down the hole. It showed that there was a curve but we still didn't know how far down it was.

"Ominis can you wand tell how far down it is?" Sebastian said, turning to him.

"Sadly no it can't and I'm not going to throw it down."

I was searching my pocket to see if I had anything to throw down. I found nothing. I was getting up when Sebastian sneezed. It made me jump and I accidentally pushed him over into the hole. Ominis and I tried to grab him. We all fell in the hole. It was a big tunnel that had several turns. We all got thrown out at the bottom. I ended up landing on top of Sebastian, and Ominis landed on top of me. The three of us groaned.

"Are you two all right?" Sebastian said as we got off. We both said yes. "Well I guess we need to find another way up. Come on let's go this way." We made it to a room that looked like a dead end. With a big meddle circle and seven snakes on it. "Do you hear anything Ominis?"

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