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Matthew woke up around 7.00 AM and I woke up as well. I began whining and pointing at the potty. Matthew pulled off my nappy leaving my naked and got me on the nappy. Matthew clapped his hand and praised me. Matthew put my nappy back on my body and then began changing me into some nice warm pajamas.

Matthew grabbed two towels and then began walking within his arms down the showers. Matthew found a family shower room. Matthew got me naked in the shower room and held me whilst he washed me in his arms. I felt embarrassed and blushed a lot. Matthew after showering me showered himself. After he was done. Matthew wrapped a towel around me and him and. Matthew put my nappy back onto me, I wiggled a little bit and afterwards Matthew put my pajamas back on. Matthew walked back in his pajamas as well. Matthew noticed William & George hugging each other.

Matthew checked up on them. Matthew began planning our day out and the boat ride we are going on. Matthew got me changed into some warm clothes. I smiled and giggled. Matthew got his backpack and put one spare nappy, one spare pacifier. sippy cup filled with milk & blanket. Matthew zipped up his bag and walked with me holding his hand out to the car, Matthew and George got me and William into the car seat. Matthew began driving down to a nice lake, Matthew put me in a stroller and pushed me down until we arrived at the dock area Matthew paid for one boat. Matthew parked my stroller and got me out of the stroller, Matthew sat me down in one of the seats the journey was 2 hours in total. We began our long but fun journey. Matthew kept on talking to us whilst we road down. George swapped with Matthew because I kept on trying to swim in the lake. Matthew picked me up and sat me down on his lap.

We continued our long journey until the end. We did a few more events that day until it was time to go home since there was a special event for me at my home

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