Last Day In Canada

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Even though Canada was short It was a lovely journey that I had with Matthew, William & George

I woke up at around 7.30 in the cot. I wiggled around a Matthew picked me and brought me over to the potty I began using the potty I giggled and clapped my hands. Matthew re done the tap off my nappy. 

"Matteww dwo wou wever wegess" I asked wondering 
"Yeah I do to around a 2-3 year old" Matthew replied said blushing
"Ewll Mawybe wou cwan hwav sweepower" I replied with giggling and clapping my hands
"Maybe, I could ask my dad. My dad knows about my regression" Matthew said

Matthew began changing me into some comfortable clothes, I giggled and smiled. Matthew and I walked around in the snow and both relaxed. Matthew got back to the cabin and then began packing our bags. George Was packing as well. I giggled and played in my cot. Matthew after packing got me back into the rental car. George and William sat in the back. Matthew began driving back down to the airport. I giggled and waved away Canada.

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