New Fears

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Although I wanted a shower to wipe away the last 24 hours, the growling in my stomach would take precedence. I cautiously moved towards the fridge, taking notice of everything around me. I wasn't 100% sure I was safe in this room yet. Could this be a test?

I kneeled at the small fridge and opened it to see some fruit along the side, a selection of drinks and a few filled Tupperware.

I picked up the one on top and opened it to a heaping chicken salad with a delicious-smelling sauce generously spread. I afforded myself a smile and grabbed a bottle of yellow Gatorade sitting on the side before sitting at the table in the center of the room. In the center of the table were plastic utensils and paper napkins.

My hunger overtook any lingering doubts about the food's safety. After the first bite, I devoured the salad without a second thought, savouring its flavours. If they wanted me dead, they would have acted by now. I'd worry about their intentions again once they had gathered more information from me.

After I quickly finished the salad, much to my burning throat's dismay, I opened the Gatorade and took a generous chug, enjoying the feeling of the cool liquid cascading down my throat. Even if water might have been better for me in my current condition, I don't think I could stand the taste right now.

A soft voice unexpectedly broke the silence behind me, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Swivelling around in my chair, I was met with a guilty-looking girl standing behind me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. People say I need to be more careful of doing that to people, but they did train me to sneak around, so I would say that is their fault. Oh no, your Gatorade."

She approached me, and I tensed, expecting the worst. However, she only reached behind me, and upright the spilled Gatorade bottle. She then grabbed some napkins and covered the mess I'd made.

She looked down at me while I stayed utterly still, "Sorry, I feel like that was my fault. My name is Cassie. You're Katya, right?"

I nodded slowly. Cassie moved to the other side of the table, trapping me.

"How did you get in?" I demanded. The door was closed.

"Oh, I was told you didn't talk! I am so glad that you do!" She grinned, then blushed.

Cassie sat and pulled her legs against her chest, perching on the chair like a bird. "Through the vents, I didn't want them to know I came here. They may say that is ruining integrity or something I don't know."

I cut her off, "Won't they know by the cameras?" This stupid girl, wasn't she afraid?

"What cameras?"

We both stared at each other as if the other one was crazy. She must know they would have cameras on me everywhere in this building.

"Katya... there are no cameras in your room; that's why they are making you wear the tracker bracelet. But you haven't technically done anything wrong, I mean that I know of, so why would they lock you up?"

"If I didn't do anything wrong, why am I here?" I countered, still not believing they wouldn't record my every move and sound. They would be recording this whole conversation. Why didn't I keep my mouth shut? I was so good at it... usually.

She looked at me as if I was crazy, "Didn't they find you almost dead? You are safer here."

I sighed. My thoughts shot back to the American named Barnes.

Cassie frowned, and understanding came over her. She was most likely briefed on the entire situation.

"Yeah, that is Barnes, though. I promise no one else, or at least most people here, wouldn't be out to get you. I mean, I'm not. And I don't know how long you'll be here, but I sure as hell don't think you would want to return to where you came from, so I was hoping we could be friends. It is hard to make friends growing up with your father as a spy, and there haven't been any other girls around our age that have come through here."

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