One Year Prior

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What do you dream of?

What did I dream of? More importantly, what should I respond to Adam? My dreams were filled with images of farmhouses, soft music, indulgent meals, and friendly neighbours. They were dreams of love. But I wasn't sure if that's what Adam expected me to say. After all, he was still a man.

You. I texted back.

That usually excited him.

I still don't know how he got this number, but all fears that he was a trick flew out the window when my father said he thoroughly checked the phone. And that he hadn't busted me yet. And no one in my father's organization would know how to talk to me. They didn't know anything about me.

One day, I will buy you a beautiful house full of beautiful things. Just tell me how to find you, my sweet Flower. You are so secretive.

I never did give him my name. Not even when he saw my face. I don't know how much I liked or trusted him, but having something just mine was nice.

It was nice to have someone to talk to. 

Broken Cages (MCU)✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя