Betrayals and Heartbreak

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The following day, I woke up thinking of the kiss, and my heart warmed. I wanted my life to be like that: dates, boys (even if that boy was just Peter), music, and junk food.

I went to ask Natasha when we would enact their plan because I was just about done playing house. I wanted this to be over. Peter gave me the best taste of freedom I ever had. He gave me a friend and something even more. Tony was proud of me for being brave. I was speaking out and standing up. I was trying to be strong so that I could be soft one day.

"Report for training, Katya."

No one gave me that end date. Everyone ignored all my questions.

I was warming up with stretches in the private training room when Barnes walked in. I immediately got up and headed for the door. "I am not training with you."

"Yes, you are." He blocked the door.

"Where is Peter? I'll train with him—or even Loki. Hell, get me, Wanda. Anyone else." My words flowed with him—out of anger more than anything else. Barnes was the one man who didn't give me an inch.

"No one else is available."

"Then I am not training today."

He smirked, "You don't seem able to control your emotions around me."

I ignored him. I was great at controlling my emotions. This man was just relentlessly rude to me. My parents were cruel to me, but people within their organization were not this rude. It would be seen as being disrespectful to my parents. I was not used to this.

"Has no one ever called you out, princess?"

I didn't respond. There was no point in giving this man anything. He sighed. "If you do half an hour of training, I will tell you what we have planned."

My eyes flashed. All I wanted was for this to be over. "Deal."

He lunged for me, and I dodged him, never turning my back to him. I kept my distance, as Steve had taught me. I wouldn't win against most opponents, so I should stay as far back as possible. Maybe if I delayed them enough, I could get away, or someone could rescue me.

It took about three minutes until Barnes was able to grasp my leg from the ground, pulling me backwards. I stumbled back into him, and one arm snaked around my thigh while another held my arms close to my sides. He lifted me sideways, and I was suspended in the air. He had me forward so I couldn't knee him, and my arms were trapped. His arm was too far down my chest to bite, but if I folded my body, my knee might be able to jam into his hand.

He wasn't expecting that, so when his knuckle was slammed, he loosened his grip, allowing me to twist into him.

"Don't bite me."

I smiled. "Steve would want me to."

"You are doing very well, Katya." He sounded honest, and my words caught in my throat.

I didn't want to thank him, so I let him hold me until he felt like putting me down. It took a few seconds longer than I anticipated. "We still have 25 minutes left of training."

I let him show me a few different ways to dodge punches, and then he showed me ways to tense my body when I knew a hit was coming. It was something Steve hadn't thought of. I hoped I wouldn't have to practice it, but Barnes didn't punch me. However, he let me punch him to show me how, and I didn't punch him very hard. It didn't feel good to hit him. I wasn't that person.

"We are going to dangle you in front of the Croatians. Hoping that will draw out your parents." I expected as much. I stayed silent, stretching my legs on the mat.

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