Two Years Prior

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"I cannot believe you, Katya! We have given you everything, and you would betray us in moments!"

I lay there, sobbing, crumpled at my father's feet, my shattered phone scattered beside me. My carelessness had led to this moment, and when he finally uncovered my online relationship, his rage exceeded my worst fears. I had thought I was cautious, using a fake name and a VPN service so underground that no government could trace us.

"Was he even a real boy? How do you know? He could've been anyone, Katya. You don't think so. You stupid girl."

All I had wanted was a friend. Yes, the words he had spoken to me had made my cheeks flush, but it was about companionship. They had stripped away every friend I had ever known.

Now, they had no one to punish but me. The slaps and beatings were routine, something I had grown accustomed to. But their punishments were always much more creative when they wanted them to hurt. So that is when my communication was cut off. I wouldn't know it then, but it would be a whole year before I spoke another word to a human being. A whole year before, I heard another voice—a year of silence. 

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