New Girl

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It was time to pack for Slovenia. I had personal items now; however, we needed it to look like I was mistreated so I wouldn't be dressing for myself.

"I hate that you have to do this, Katya," Peter groaned.

I had slept alone, but I woke up to breakfast in bed, not only from Peter but Cassie, who had the instructions from Natasha about the next steps. I listened as I munched on a buttered croissant. I was never given food this decadent in Russia. I cherished every bite while aware of the lingering fear that I might be captured or used as a bargaining chip.

A loud knock echoed through the door, and Tony entered with a grimace. "Alright, kid, up and at 'em; we're leaving in thirty." I groaned and allowed myself to fall back onto the bed.

Tony chuckled, "It is good to see you are creating healthy habits." His hand grasped my ankle through the covers. I was still half-under. "We won't let anything happen to you, right, Pete?" He said, clasping his other hand on Peter's shoulder.

Peter's eyes lit up. "I get to come?"

Tony stood up, releasing us both, "Don't make me regret it. And hurry the hell up."

He left the room, and I scrambled to get up and dressed. Peter said he would meet me in ten minutes but was back outside my door in seven. We walked side by side, him with his duffle bag and me with a small backpack filled with my toothbrush, moisturizer, and a few pairs of underwear. I knew I wouldn't be wearing bras or any comfortable clothes. I opted for a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater for the plane.

We stood outside, and I basked in the crisp air, my pale face getting the sun it probably craved. I had grown up inside, and I had not had a chance to spend much time outside since I had left Russia. Dreams of sunshine and farms urged me forward. Once this was over, I could have that life. I wouldn't be given over. Peter wouldn't let them. And failing that, Tony wouldn't.

I trusted Steve and Natasha, but they were much less selfish. They might do what had to be done. Barnes, I still believed, would hand me over for nothing despite his perceived guilt.

Speaking of Barnes, he stood beside the cargo plane, arms crossed. A bulky bag sat at his feet, which I am sure only contained black t-shirts and guns.

Steve stepped in front, his arms crossed, but his posture exuded leadership rather than petulance. "Once in the air, we will review the plan, but some new developments may cause problems." His jaw was stiff, promising lousy news.

Peter and I made our way onto the plane. "Why are you here, squirt?"Barnes teased, though a certain hardness beneath his words gave the tease a menacing edge.

"Oh, can it, Bucky," Steve replied for Peter. "You've been quite the handful lately; what is your issue?"

Barnes shook his head, heading into the plane behind us. Peter's arm rested comfortably around my waist, declaring something to everyone. He wouldn't be able to do this once we stepped out of the plane, but he would now, and I surprisingly liked the declaration quite a bit. Sure, he was trying to say I was his. But he was also mine. And he was mine first.

The plane took off, and we sat around a conference table that I did not know was here the first time I had been on this plane. I thought about Katya from all those months ago. I had been so alone. I did not expect to make connections like I had. I had expected to die, either at the American's hands or my parents.

"Two of the groups have pulled out of the deal," Natasha shared with the group. "There is another girl, and T'Challa already has a team on their trail."

No. "Another girl?" I asked.

Natasha grimaced, pulling out a grainy photograph. "A distant cousin of yours, it seems, has been brought in as a peace offering, and the two smaller groups took the deal. She will be auctioned off to both of them. It is not ideal, in any way, but it does leave the Croatians more determined to get you and your parents more determined to complete the deal if they can."

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