Facing Fears

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"Katya," Peter shouted down the hallway, approaching us.

Loki's eyes flashed at mine before I could look away. He stepped in front of me, blocking me from Peter's view. "I don't think she wants to talk to you right now."

"Move out of the way, Loki; this has nothing to do with you."

"I might be her husband, so I think it does."

Peter paused. "What?"

"You shouldn't care. You are usually so happy with your many dates a week." Loki taunts.

My heart dropped into my stomach, even though it had no right to.

"You know that is not what this is. Stop that, you asshole."

Loki completely blocked me now, stepping forward into Peter, "She doesn't need a boy like you."

Peter stepped to the right, but the moment he saw me, he paused. My eyes burned. From this whole day, everything that had happened flushed toward me before I could steady myself. Peter looked just as sick as I felt. I really shouldn't allow my feelings to get in the way. I knew what that was like. And I would do anything to get out.

Peter walked away, dejected. Loki turned to me, "Hey, let's go do something to take your mind off of all this. Have you seen the pool yet?"

I shook my head, "I don't have a bathing suit."

He grinned, "You don't need one. Come on, Katya, relax with me. Clear your head."

I wished my thoughts would stop swirling around my head, making it hard to focus. But I doubt being near a pool would help me at all. "I don't want to go near a pool, Loki."

He smiled, "Even better! Let's fight those demons. Let's add to the stress!"

I narrowed my eyes, "That seems counterproductive."

Despite any of my protests, I followed Loki to the pool. The room was filled with steam, and I felt like choking as soon as I stepped in. I felt a hand on my lower back. Steadying me. I focused on the gentle touch.

"We don't have to go in. But how would you feel about the hot tub? It might help with the aches. I know training must be taking a toll on you."

I sucked in a shaky breath. It would feel nice, but I glanced around the room, feeling sick. Loki's hand pressed harder into my back. "Come on, you're fine. I won't let anything happen to you."

I closed my eyes, steeling myself. I would be fine. I would be strong. I wanted to enjoy myself. I stepped towards the large hot tub and stripped off my shirt, leaving me in a sports bra. I peeled off my tight pants, my black panties slick in the steamy room. I heard Loki suck in breath before he shuffled behind me.

I ignored him, placing one foot into the hot tub. It was boiling, but it felt nice, shocking me enough that I didn't feel so aware of my surroundings. I stepped to my knees, sinking so that my bottom half was covered by water. The water stopped around my midsection, my belly button hovering just out of the water. Loki slinked in beside me, sitting on the edge so his broad shoulders peaked above the water.

"Sink deeper; it will feel good." He suggested.

My stomach twisted. I didn't know if I could. Then, a hand gripped mine under the water, rubbing my thumb with his. "Come on, relax." He didn't pull me any closer. He was letting me take the lead. I didn't feel any kind of force. I was feeling a sort of safe.

I started to sink, naturally getting closer to him as I stepped further into the water. I didn't want to sit, so I stood before him, my arm brushing his knee in the water. His grin was cat-like as his hand snaked up my arm with gentle touches. "Feel good?"

It did. The warm water relaxed my muscles, and my skin turned red, the heat seeping into my bones. I moved closer by inches, and his hand grazed my hip, causing a shiver down my spine. My eyes shot to his. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you relax."

"I don't know if it is having that effect on me," I said honestly, unsure of what I was implying.

"Distracting you then," he said, grazing his hand against my hip again.

I sucked in a breath."How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice low.

I closed my eyes, and the panic built. I opened them, and it subsided. "I am okay," I answered honestly.

"You are in total control," He said.

"Not total control."

"You could always pick your husband," he said. "I would be honoured."

I grimaced, "If I had the choice, I would never get married." I didn't know how honest it was, but I couldn't imagine a situation where I would be free to fall in love.

"Then I would love to pretend with you," Loki said.

It was like he was trying to convince me of something. "What do you gain from this?" I asked honestly.

He grinned, "I can't believe it took you this long to finally ask."

He gripped my hip, pulling me to him so his legs rested against my stomach and his face was inches from mine. "You and I could piss off just the right people in an oh-so-satisfying way."

"Barnes?" I guessed.

At that moment, Barnes opened the door. Oh. Loki knew he would be here. For Loki, I would help him piss off the man he seemed to be crushing on. And I wanted to do something to take the pain away. So I crushed my lips to his. And part of me wanted to prove to myself that I didn't care about Peter the way I knew I did.

Loki released a jolt of surprise but recovered quickly, pulling me closer to him, so I floated over his lap. His teeth nashed mine. This was a much more aggressive kiss than I had with Peter, but my stomach flipped as I felt his hand on my back. Loki knew how to kiss.

I didn't melt into him. I met him with the same force, and Loki smiled against me. A door slammed, and I pulled away from Loki.

"You're welcome."

Loki's eyes were dark. "I really should be thanking you. Damn, darling."

He gets out of the water, motioning me to follow him.

"You shouldn't stay here alone despite how much progress you have made," he says while handing me a towel.

"I am going to go clean up that mess of a man. Don't forget what I said about pretending with you. Anytime."

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