Just Like Mother

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I continued my training with my new "husband," but we focused on running, which I enjoyed, and strength training, which I hated, and we were no longer in the private room. Despite Peter walking away when he saw Barnes leave my room, he started working out with us, offering me words of encouragement.

The last I heard, Peter had taken Wanda out on a date. It stung, but I understood. We had no future together, and I couldn't give him what he wanted. I guess Wanda decided to move her sites off of Vision. I didn't buy it, but there was nothing I could do.

Plus, I couldn't be leaving anymore with Peter. They still did not trust me going without a tracker, but even more, I had to keep up the pretense that I was married. Peter didn't take it well, fighting with Tony, saying that they were forcing me into it, saying that the fact I had shut down was proof. Tony told him to watch his mouth and where he put it, and maybe I wouldn't shut down.

This was all told to me by Darcy, who I learned was a chatterbug. I still hadn't hung out with Cassie again, but she was completing exams. I asked Darcy to let me know when exams were over, and I would explain why I had shut down to Cassie. Cause Peter was right, I had. And Barnes was right; I was not a mouse. I didn't have to be silent and not have any sort of enjoyment. I could enjoy myself, and then I could leave. And if I never saw anyone here again, I wouldn't have to leave with any regret.

It was time to start living my life. My parents had taken too much of it from me. Once they were gone, I would be free. I could start fully living, but until then, I wouldn't shut down.

I rounded the corner after training to see a teary-eyed Wanda. A sight I never thought I would experience. She did not seem like the type who would have leaky eyes. I cleared my throat to let her know I was there since she did not turn at my steps. Her head snapped up, and I saw the fire still evident.

"Get out of my way," she snapped, storming down the hallway in my direction. I tried to press myself into the wall, but I was not quick enough because her elbow clipped my shoulder.

"What is your problem?" I questioned.

"Stupid little girls who think they know anything," her words were punctuated and filled with venom. "You can have your little boy back."

"Your plan didn't work?"

Her eyes burned into mine, "You are just a sheltered girl who has never experienced anything real. Your life was playing dress-up and ensuring you stayed quiet enough for Mommy and Daddy. Now, you are playing the same role here, being quiet for your new handsome husband. Just the part you were raised to play. DO YOU EVEN HAVE A PERSONALITY? Likes, dislikes? Girls like you are pathetic."

Words caught in my throat. She was right, BUT she was so wrong.

I liked sitcoms and romance movies. I liked Diet Coke and french fries. I liked the arcade and have always wanted a pet, which is why I liked all the stuffed animals Tony bought me. I liked Tony and Pepper, and I liked Cassie, and I enjoy running.

And I liked going on a date with Peter. And I liked being kissed.

And I weirdly liked Loki, and I almost liked Barnes, even though I did not know what they wanted from me.

I didn't like wearing black. I didn't like violence and didn't enjoy staying silent, even though I was so used to it, so maybe it seemed I did.

She just didn't see any of that because she didn't even bother to try.

But either way, a tear went down my cheek at the harsh words, and she laughed as if she wanted her tears to fall from my eyes all along. "Pathetic. You're not even going to fight back."

If I could fight with kindness, I would. "I hope you and Vision are happy together one day."

Then she slapped me. Hard. It reminded me of my mother. My mother was just as angry as this beautiful, firehearted woman.

"She did WHAT?"

The bruise had formed overnight quite nicely. I had not realized how badly she had slapped me. I had worse over the years. It was quite stunning—a lovely deep purple spot on my cheek.

Cassie had come to check on me, apparently done her exams, and Darcy had overstepped and told her I had been asking about her. I wouldn't have minded much except that it meant Cassie had come knocking, barging into my room, jumping on my bed in the morning, and being the first person to see my freshly bruised face.

Now, she was taking things a bit too far. "It's okay, Cassie," I stretched in front of the mirror she had dragged me to.

"It is certainly not okay. People here don't hit each other, Katya. Not unless we are sparring. This is totally unacceptable."

I didn't want to make it a bigger deal than it was, but I could tell. She wouldn't let it go. I placed my hands on the bathroom counter, leaning towards the mirror, staring at the mark.

Cassie placed her hand on mine, "I need to tell someone. At least let me tell my dad. At least then, it is coming from someone else."

I sighed. "If you have to."

"I really do. This isn't okay." I looked at her. Really looked at her for the first time. It felt like I was doing a lot of that recently.

"Thank you." I decided.

Her hug came suddenly and shockingly. When was the last time I had been hugged? I sunk into her, shutting my eyes.

She texted her dad into the room, and after we sat there, I told her a bit about growing up. My parents didn't care about me, but they gave me a nanny who would. And she became like my mother. Then, if I misbehaved, she would be punished in my place.

I explained to her that everything I was doing now was to get myself out. To live the life Rose talked about. And I couldn't do that with my parents alive. I couldn't do that with people after me. So I needed to help, and then I could get out. By the time Cassie's dad had gotten to the room, I still had my pajamas on, and Cassie was crying and clinging to me.

"Oh my god, Cassie, what happened, baby?"

She landed in his arms, "They treated her so bad, Dad." Sobs wracked her body. I sat on the bed with a sad smile. I wouldn't lie and say I expected this much reaction, but I appreciated the support.

Cassie's dad looked up at me and paused, "Who? What happened to your face? Was it Bucky? I am going to kill him. I never thought he would do that!

"No," I quickly wanted to correct him, "It was Wanda."

"No!" He said like a teenage girl who had just gotten some gossip that he believed but did not want to.

"Yes!" Cassie shouted, her sobs dissipating into anger. "Something needs to be done about her!"

Cassie's dad promised he would deal with it, and he left me to get dressed and the two of us to go down and get breakfast.

While we were getting our bagels, I could feel a gaze on the back of my neck. I spun around only to make eye contact with Barnes, whose jaw hung. But before he could have a bigger reaction, Steve was standing in front of me, his hand softly on my cheek.

"Scott told me what happened, but I had to see for myself. She will be dealt with. I am sorry this ever happened." His eyes burned into mine.

I faltered, "when you say dealt with?"

"Anger management training, darling. We don't shoot people out back here," Loki called out. "Nice colour, by the way."

Natasha rushed into the room, "There has been a new development." 

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