The Flirt

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A pounding sound woke me up from my easy slumber. I opened one eye and peered about the room, wondering where the noise could be coming from. I groaned at how my head pounded, even if the noise stopped.

The pounding happened again, and it took me a moment to register that someone was knocking on my bedroom door.

I lifted my head, trying to find my voice, but it was gone again.

Peter peeked in my bedroom before seeing my head lifted and walked in with an easy smile, "Sorry to wake you. I brought your dinner, and Nat said I should get you to eat something."

I sat in the bed, the blanket falling from around my shoulders and pooling on my lap.

Peter continued, "She just returned from shopping; she was off with Pepper picking up some things. I think they got you some more clothes. You'll like Pepper; you will meet her soon."

I didn't say anything. I didn't like most of the people I had ever met.

"Come eat," Peter urged. "I brought my food too so that I could eat with you."

I slid out of bed slowly towards Peter, who held the door open for me. When his hand brushed my hip, I could feel my whole body heat up. I tried to ignore the feeling and sat at the table where two Tupperware sat across from each other. I could see the steam rising from the food.

"I hope you like pasta," Peter said while sitting across from me. I pulled the lid off the top and was hit with steam. Inside was a deliciously smelling macaroni and cheese filled with broccoli and what looked like a crunchy crumble on top.

I smiled down at the food. "I haven't had macaroni in years."

Peter smiled, "Too American for you?"

I smiled back. Sure, something like that, I thought. The truth was, my mother barely let me eat enough carbs to keep me alive. She would've never let me eat something with this much dairy in it. I picked up my fork and dipped it into the gooey cheesy pasta, reminding myself to eat slowly as I didnt want a repeat of earlier today.

The food was as delicious as it smelled, and we ate silently for a few easy moments until we were interrupted by the hallway door swinging open. It was Cassie, with a huge grin and a plate in her hand.

"Ah, good, you just started!" She sauntered in like she owned the place (which I don't know... maybe she did) and sat to my right.

Peter frowned, "When did you two meet?"

I looked at Cassie, unwilling to reveal her secrets, but she just shrugged.

"My dad told me Peter was bringing you your dinner, and I didnt want to miss out on any of the fun. Or I guess I didn't want Peter stealing my new friend." She scowled at Peter.

"Hey! Why does she get to be your friend?" he argued back.

It was strange being around two people my age. I turned my attention back to my food, ignoring the bickering. When I looked back up, Peter was glowering at Cassie, and she was smirking at him.

Cassie turned to face me. "So Kat, do you have a boyfriend back home?"

Unfortunately, I had just taken a bite of macaroni, and the unnecessary question caused me to choke on the piece slightly. Once the piece of pasta had dislodged from my throat, my face burned in embarrassment for multiple reasons. These were dangerous questions, but I didn't have a boyfriend.

This was the most... American conversation I had ever been a part of. It was like being in one of those movies.

I shook my head no and looked down at my food, which now seemed less appetizing. However, that may also be due to my shrunken stomach.

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