Adam vs Peter

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"Katya's parents have set up a meeting with the Croatians. They are hoping to find a way to move forward. Our intel tells us the Russians are offering the Croatians a new deal. The Croatians still want Katya. I think the best thing for us is to push that narrative."

Natasha held such power in the room even Nick Fury sat back, taking it all in.

"I think it is time for you to contact Adam," Natasha spoke directly to me. All the attention was on me and my fast-beating heart. I had offered this as an option a while ago.

I nodded, "What should I say?"

"Despite some of the issues you recently had with other people in the facility, we can use that to our advantage. You said Adam was possessive over you?"

I nodded, "Extremely," now that I thought more about it, I should have known he was a plant. No man is that possessive over a girl they haven't met. Unless they are a full-on incel, I never got those vibes from him. He knew what to say. He wasn't clueless.

"You need to Facetime him. It needs to be out of the blue. It needs to look like you have been mistreated."

I rolled my eyes, "Not difficult."

Vision looked visibly uncomfortable, even though he had nothing to do with Wanda and her actions. I wouldn't blame him. I don't want people to blame me for my parent's actions; why would I blame him for Wanda's?

"It needs to be in the next few hours. We need to catch this now. Loki, you need to dirty the wedding dress and dirty the bedroom. Make it look like she hasn't changed in weeks."

Natasha kept directing orders, and I sat, waiting for mine.

Peter got up from across the room and approached me, not saying a word but sitting next to me.

Natasha eventually made his way over to us. Glancing at Peter but not saying a word about it. "Katya, I need you to scream for the next hour."

"What?" I balked at her request.

"You need to do whatever you can to mess with your voicebox. Scream as your life depends on it like you're being tortured; I don't care, just ruin your voice. Make it sound like you've been screaming for weeks."

I frowned, "I never screamed when I was tortured before," I was always as silent as a mouse.

Natasha sighed, "We need it to seem like you're being treated worse than ever. Please, Katya, this will work."

"I'll help; I have an idea."

Natasha grimaced, "I don't care what you do; just get it done. But remember Peter, she needs her mouth free to scream.

He blushed, "I didn't mean that." He threw his hands up in exasperation, blush spreading across his cheeks.

Natasha spun around, "Just get it done," she tossed over her shoulder.

Peter grabbed my hand, which was warm from anticipation. "I'm not a very loud person," I complained, "I don't even think I know how to scream properly."

"That's why we will put on the radio and sing at the top of our lungs."

I laughed, "what?"

He continued pulling me through the hallways. "Look, the worst my voice has ever been after going to concerts because you scream and sing. We are going to do that. It will be a little awkward, but I think it will be the least terrible way of doing this."

As we rushed through the hallways, he spotted Scott, Cassie's dad. 'Scott! I need you to get Cassie and then meet us in my room. Please hurry."

Scott smiled, "Sure, kid." I liked Scott; he was always so easygoing.

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