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A/N: I got this idea from DC. All credit goes to them.

2 months ago

Mia is standing in the shower after a mission of getting after a weapon Lehnsherr was interested in when there's suddenly a sort of white smoke in the room. When she turns around the water coming out of the shower is frozen as there's coming ice breath from Mia's mouth.

She quickly gets out of the shower and looks in the mirror and sees that there's a piece of her hair is white and her lips have turned blue/purple. She quickly cuts the white hair out of her hair as she looks at it with wide eyes.

The Avengers Compound

The only one who Mia told about this was Sam. Hence why he was acting so nervous in the kitchen. Not because he's afraid for her, but because he hates to see her so terrified of herself. She also told him that she visited her mom for help but her mother didn't had a solution for her.

Sam begged Mia to tell the others, or at least Kiara and Wanda. Because no one knows better about getting sudden powers than them, but Mia refused. Afraid they'd lock her up. Sam assured her that Kiara would never do that, but she still refused.

But today, something snapped. When Sam woke up, he felt like he was laying on ice. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was litteraly laying on an ice bed. When he looked up, he saw Mia with icey eyes and white strands in her hair. When he tried to talk to her, she blasted him against the wall and knocked him out.

When he wakes up a few minutes later he quickly stands up and runs downstairs to the livingroom where he hopes the others are. To his relieve, they are.

'GUYS!' Sam yells as he's running into the livingroom.

'Sam, what's wrong?' Kiara asks as she quickly stands up.

'Somthing's wrong with Mia.' He says worried.

'What do you mean?' Wanda asks as she stands up now, too.

After Sam explained everything that happend to Mia over the past two months, everyone looks at him with wide eyes.

'She'd really thought I would lock her up?' Kiara asks. 'She knows I would never do that.'

'I know.' Sam says, still panting. 'But she was so afraid of herself that she wouldn't dare to tell anyone.'

'So, she's Inhuman?' Natasha asks.

'I think so.' Sam says. 'She never really figured it out.'

'We have to find her before anyone else does.' Steve says.

'What was her name again?' Wanda asks.

'Snow. A.k.a. Killer Frost.'

'And she said that to you before she blasted you?' Kiara asks, getting everything straight.

'Yeah. When I woke up, she was gone.'

'Okay.' Kiara says as she stands up. 'I'll fly over the entire city, see if I can get a trace of her. The rest of you, try to find her via the city camera's.' Kiara orders as she walks to Sam and puts her hand on his shoulder. 'We'll find her, Sam. I promise.' Kiara says and then walks out the livingroom.

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