ch 2!

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It's good that it's very easy to talk to Khun Warut. That's how we finished the paper ahead of schedule, said Phayu's secretary.

After talking about working with clients it was a great success because I was scheduled to stay here for 5 days but it was only 3 days and everything was done.

-Um, good, Storm replied, looking at the clock.

- By the way, Khun Phayu, are you going to stay here tonight and come back tomorrow? continued his secretary.

Because he already made a hotel reservation anyway.

-I think we'd better go back. Estimating the time, we should arrive in Bangkok around 3-10pm. It's not that late yet, Storm said, partly because he wants to go back and surprise his girlfriend as well.

At first, he invited the girl to come and rest after finishing work, but the girl said that she was also attached to her own work.

Storm wasn't bothered. After hearing Storm's answer, his secretary told the driver to drive back to Bangkok immediately.

Storm, as he had free time in the car told his grandmother immediately.


A male voice answered the phone, causing Storm to frown slightly.

He then looked again at the number he had dialed, but saw that it was the correct number.

-Who are you and why did you answer Ya Chan's call? Storm immediately asked as he thought negatively if his grandmother's cell phone was stolen or lost.

But Storm forgot to consider that if he really did steal, there would be no one to answer the phone.

(-Ah, since Grandma Chan's hands are dirty, she let me take the call for her. Wait a little.)

The other party answered. Storm wonders

who is the other party to have thus

intimacy with his grandmother.

(-Ya Chan, I'll turn on the speaker for you.)

The other's voice spoke to Phayu's grandmother.

(-How are you, Storm) Ya Chan's soft voice made Storm slow down a bit.

-Grandma, who answered my call? Phayu asked what he was thinking.

(-Ah, it was the boy from the resort. Grandma is making sweets, with dirty hands she can't answer the call. Is there something wrong?) Ya Chan asked.

-Grandma trusts people very easily.

Storm said because he was worried. Because in the society he lives in it's hard to trust people.

(-It's easy. The people in the resort are all trustworthy. Especially the younger ones who answered Storm's call.) Grandma Chan joked.

She doesn't blame her nephew, who is suspicious

with those around.

-Okay, I'm just worried. I called to talk to you while I'm sitting in the car, Storm replied.

(-Are you worried, but aren't you coming to visit Grandma?) Grandma Chan asked.

Storm didn't go to visit resort 3

years, only Ya Chan appears in Bangkok when he does

errands and meets his son and grandchildren.

-I'm busy. When I'm free, I'll invite Pink to Grandma's house for a walk, Storm replied.

But when she regained her grandmother's silence, Storm let out a soft sigh. Because it's not just Pete who doesn't like Pink, his grandma didn't seem to like her either. Although she didn't like him, his grandma never said anything bad to him or encouraged him to break up with the girl.

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