ch 20

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Even though his friends told him to tell Lava about his past girlfriend, he still didn't want to. Partly because he thought it wasn't important. Another aspect is that deep down he lost his trust a little once he was cheated. As for Lava, he didn't ask.

Today, Storm made his friends wake up early in the morning because he is taking them to give alms to the monks on the Mon side of the village.

Walking together across the wooden bridge, his friends enjoyed the atmosphere. The morning here is great. Even more, I encountered fog floating on the surface of the water. They were very excited, part of that was because we didn't really go anywhere, we just worked every day, so we took a lot of photos, and Storm and Lava were waiting to take the photos.

-I think I can understand why you moved here, although it wasn't the quietest place... But it feels good not to have to deal with the chaos like in Bangkok, Prem said as they crossed the bridge together.

-Sometimes it's chaotic here. There are a lot of people during festivals, Lava replied.

-It's normal for famous tourist destinations, Gus said with a smile.

Lava and Storm took the two to buy a set of alms offerings to the monks that the vendor had prepared. When they finished giving alms, they took them to look at the souvenirs

local, before bringing them back to the resort to have breakfast, where he met him So we greeted each other as usual.

-Come with me, Phayu said, when Lava was about to go to his uncle's car first.

-And how do I get back? Because I have to shoot

float back with me, I must return with

uncle Yut.

-I will take another car. I'll help you pull the raft back and then we'll go back together, Phayu offered what Lava knew he couldn't refuse. So I had to agree to go with his boyfriend

In the afternoon, Storm took his friends to the rafting point. As for Uncle Yut, he's waiting at the end of the river. Today I took the plant before hunting my friends. of the storm stood

-I'll continue in a moment: you'll stay put, Storm smiled slightly.

- How can I? This is my duty, Lava asked back.

-Okay, I'm tired because I don't want to leave. I want you to stay still for a while, Phayu spoke again.

So I nodded. Before asking to go check the raft first

-Is he Mr. Payu's friend? Ton asked in a low voice.
- Yes, answered Lava

-P'Ton, you said it will fall here again, Lava asked.

Ton came and sat next to him and raised an arm to rest on Lava's shoulder out of habit.

-Where? Lava pointed

-Lava, came Storm's deep voice.

It makes Lava and Ton turn to look.


- Yes, Lava answered, Storm's expression slightly displeased as he saw Ton's hand hug Lava.

-What are you doing?

Storm came in and asked. Ton gently moved away from Lava and released his arm from Lava's shoulder.

-Oh, I'm looking at the ropes tied to the raft, Lava answered, looking slightly confused. When he sees the disgruntled look in his lover's eyes

-Are you Hot? Lava asked, causing Storm to exhale heavily.

-No... Will the rope come off again? Phayu asked back.

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