Chapter 2

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- I'm back. Sorry it took so long. – By the time he got back my anxiety levels were already so high I wasn't able to control my thoughts anymore...all I could do was presume he had ran into some girl and mentally sing The Clash's "Should I stay or should I go" over and over again.

- Had to outwit someone on your way back?

- What?

- Never mind. Weirdness levels rise when experiencing sobriety for too long – Good one Laura...always use alcohol to justify anything.

- Have no fear my lady, your knight in shiny armor has gotten you your alcohol.

- Thank you.

- I gotta confess something. I can't believe this is happening. I have always wanted to talk to you

- Why didn't you?

- I never even knew you knew who I was.

- I didn't – Unfortunately

- Brutally honest

- Sorry...It came out wrong. Actually no it didn't...- I know, I know...what an asshole...But what to do? I couldn't let him know that I was secretly fan-girling inside, like he was one of the Backstreet boys. And yes, I am old.

- Oh. Ok.

- How come I never saw you before?

- I don't know. Maybe you weren't looking.

- Maybe. See that's what you get for not having a bad reputation.

- Hey, I'm still a sophomore...Hopefully I'll have one by senior you.

- should really catch up on your drinking then...

- I told you, I don't drink.

-Oh, you were serious about that?

-Yes... That answer hit me like a basket ball right in the middle of the face. Who the hell doesn't drink in college?

- Oh...-Now that was big disappointment. As you can probably tell by now, I am full of theories and a highly judgmental person. And there is this one theory, a personal favorite of mine...well, more like a law to live by, that says you can never trust a person that doesn't drink. And why is that, one might ask. Well my fellow reader, simply because someone who won't allow themselves to lose control surely has a lot to hide.

- "You're looking at me like I'm from another planet"

" I'm sorry...I'm not really used to non drinkers. "

"Non drinker..."

"Why don't you drink?"

"You realize you're asking me that as if I had just told you I can't read"

"Well alcohol is a great part of my life! Even more than reading – Actually it was about 50/50. Whenever sober, I would be reading.

"Ok that's weird"

"Oh I'm weird? You're the one who is at a college party and doesn't drink and I'm weird?"

"Hahaha're right...I don't drink 'cause I don't really like the taste of it. Besides, I'm already hyperactive...I can't  even imagine what would happen if I started drinking! I get high just with coke"

"Coke as in cocaine? – Beh...trouble alert.

"No!! As in Coca-Cola"

"How old are you...12?"

Oh...sorry Miss bad ass

- That's professor bad ass to you kid...I might have to teach you a thing or two

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