Chapter 4

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- No, no, no...I am so screwed.

- Do you always talk to yourself?

- Jesus Christ...-There they were...the eyes...

- Not him...

- Are you always everywhere?

-Unlike Jesus, no.

- Seems like it

- Apparently not because we've been attending the same college for two years and yet yesterday was the first time you saw me.

- Good point. – I could feel myself staring, and turning red. Maybe I should make up some skin condition to justify why I would always turn red when he talked to me.

- So why are you so screwed?

- Marketing research test.

- Oh...So you are trying to fail?

- What? No – Maybe, in a subconscious level yes.

- Everyone knows that that's like the worse test in all 4 years of advertising school...

- I happen to be very smart – Not really...I did go partying the day before the test so I guess that says a lot about how stupid I was.

-And very grumpy as well

- Sorry...haven't had coffee yet today...

- No coffee after a party and before MR test? Is that a death wish or something?

- Sounds like it right? – Who was this person and how come I had never seen or heard from him before? It's like he could see through my soul.

-Tell you what, let's go get some coffee you and treat... - Nice way of making me like him even more...- and if you feel like thanking me you can just write down the answers to all the questions of the test you just took...So I won't have to worry about it when the time comes...

- Coffee sounds great. But for the record, when your time comes I will take you out and get you drunk the night before...- fingers crossed

- long as I have the answers I'll have nothing to worry about...specially if they come from this very smart girl

-Yeah In case you haven't noticed I never did well with compliments, hence the exit strategy. It gave me a chance to turn away and avoid being caught with a  silly smile on my face.

- Let's go

- Where are you going?

- My car is parked over there

- No, no. My car. Right there. - – Rule number one: I always drive.

- Yes master.

-Come little grasshopper. So much too learn so little time.

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