Chapter 9

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-Oh look who decided to show up

-Hello Mary. Joey. Random people I don't really know. – Oh Joey. I have no idea how Joey didn't show up earlier in this story. Joey was my best friend. But somehow that sentence cannot summarize how much he meant to me. He was like an older brother that behaved like a younger one. He was all about the parties. But more than that he was about the hook ups. And the alcohol. And the competition. But no matter what I knew I could always count on him. We met on the first week of college and became inseparable ever since. Can't tell you how many times we went to class leaning on each other so we wouldn't fall on our faces.

Joey, Mary and me. The three musketeers! And sometimes the three stooges! Actually most times...

-So what changed your mind

-Weren't you supposed to be in Litchfield by now?

- Well Joey, I was. But you know what I realized? Our next big end of the semester party will be our I couldn't really miss this one now, could I?

-Very good you crazy bitch. Thank God you are here...this girls can't keep up. We gotta get high as a kite tonight. Close this semester, lock it and put it in our pockets.

-Will do my friend. I'm here because of you guys.

-And of course because the sophomore she's been flirting with is here.

-Shut up Mary! Have you seen him?

- Uuuuh who is him?

- That rocker guy with the nose ring

-No, no, no. Not that one Laura...

-What? Why not?

-Because he has a girlfriend.- Again with that.

-And when did you develop moral values mister slut of the year?

- It's not about morals. It's about you. If he was a hook up I would be totally cool with it. If Mary was chasing him I would even help. But not you Laura, because you don't know how to do hook ups.

-I am not in love.

-Not yet...she's at that crush state.

-I am not. Plus he told me he doesn't have a girlfriend.

-Trust me, he does. You know I have very reliable sources.

-So he was dating someone. Maybe he is not anymore.

- Oh the girl he was dating was not his girlfriend. I know her. His girlfriend doesn't go here.

-Then how do you know he has one.

-I literally know everyone in this college. Plus I know locals as well. I have very reliable sources.- I didn't know what to do. I knew I could trust Joey, but at the same time I really wanted to believe Mark. Maybe it was all just a big mix up.

- Well I think you are wrong. How could he have a local girlfriend that no one knows about?

-Laura. Are you listening to yourself? Listen to me, this is Joey. Your friend. I am a manwhore. I know all the tricks in the book. And this is one of them.

-Whatever...enough talking about this. Let's get fucked up.- I just wanted to end that conversation. And knowing Joey like I did, alcohol would do it.

-Now that's my girl.

-Let's drink away the pain.

-No pain...barely knew the guy Mary. – Yes pain...loads of pain.

-We know you Laura...we know you way too well by now.

-Alcohol. Now. Let's go.

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