Chapter 11

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Rounds...Yeah right. Like I could think about anything else but what I had just witnessed. All I wanted was to go home, get a sugar rush and cry myself to sleep listening to the damn Bachianas, that now meant so much more to me than any song ever did.

-Didn't think you were coming...- And guess who found me.

-Oh clearly you didn't

-Excuse me?

-Nothing – I was so disappointed at him I couldn't even play nice. Or pretend things were ok. Or just act like a normal human being.

-Why did you change your mind?

-Doesn't matter...


-It was stupid pointless shit that changed my mind. So it doesn't matter

-Sorry for asking

-Don't you have someone waiting for you inside? – Keeping my anger under control? Yeah that ship had sailed...

-Are you jealous?

-Of course not. I totally saw this coming

-Saw what coming?

-I know the game your playing

-Oh you do?

-Yes...I have manwhore friends and sources and shit – Joey of course. Why didn't I listen to him...

-Ok, just how much did you had to drink?

-It makes sense in my head

-I'm sure it does.

-Sure makes a lot more sense then someone being differently different or whatever

-You are so drunk...-He said laughing...I just could not imagine what could be funny about that situation. But then again it wasn't me who was hooking up with random people at a party...

-So what?


-None of your fucking business


-Fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking bullshit. Your "I like you" and shit. – You'll have to excuse my bad use of the English language...It was just for lack of better words.

-Did you just use air quotes? Ok...I will not argue with that.

-Good...because I am right. I am always right.


-Don't you fucking ok me.- Aaaand then Tequila had found me...

-Not ok

-This time I wish I was wrong.

-Wrong about what?

-I wish you weren't hooking up with that girl

-I am not hooking up with that girl. Believe it or not she is even more drunk than you are.

- And I wish you meant it


-That you liked me

-I do like you

-Ok...then kiss me

- How drunk are you? – Oh that was embarrassing...and not at all how I hoped it would turn out...

- A little bit. I know you're with that girl. But I don't really care.

- I am not with that girl. But it doesn't just work like that...

- Like what?

-Like that...I won't just kiss you and hook up with you at a random party...There has to be a surprise factor!

-Surprise factor? What the fuck are you talking about?

- I have got to go now...

- Are you seriously just going to blow me of like that?

-I swear to God I'm not blowing you off! I just really have to go!

- Go where?

- See that passed out girl being carried? I have to take her to the hospital

- Wow...So you are going to turn me down! Am I that big of a mess?

- Trust me. There's nothing I wanted more than to stay...But I am probably the only person in this party who doesn't drink and that can drive right now

- Whatever...

-Don't hate me...

-Too late...

-Please understand when you sober up...

-Probaby won't...drunk and sober me are pretty in sync...

-You are amazing're pissing me off...

-Good night bad ass

-Good nigh asshole

And just like that not only my night was ruined but my whole vacation...

And when I least expected it:

*1 new message*

- I'm sorry

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