Chapter 26

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-Thank God! I thought it would be 3 more months before I heard from you again...

As much as I wanted to torture him with not knowing if I was in fact dating girls now I decided not to and called him as soon as we reached land.

-Relax rocker dude...I would never do that to you...

-You do it every 3 months...

-Fine, but not this time...


-So what?

-What happened to the girl?

-I kissed her...


-I am not a lesbian.

-Oh thank God...

-You sound relieved

-I am...very...


-Well if you were a lesbian then my chances of ever being with you would be gone once and for all...

-Aww that's so that you don't have Phoebe you want me back...

-I never stopped wanting you...not for Phoebe, not for Alice, not even for a minute...

-You realize what a crappy boyfriend that makes you right?

-What can I do? I can't help myself when it comes to you.

-Yeah right...I'm not falling for that again..

-When did you?

-I fell hard for you when I met you rocker guy...and then fell flat on my ass when I found out you had a girlfriend.

-I know I was wrong and I am sorry...But that was 4 years ago...can't we move past that?

-I don't know...

-Don't you think it's time for you to come home so we can find out?


-Why not?

-There's still so much to see...

-And we can do it together...What happened to it's not about the journey, but who you share it with?

-I can't see you ok?

-Why not?

-Because I know how this story ends

-And how does it end?

-If I see you again I will fall for you again and if I fall for you I will get hurt again and I can't, ok? I just can't go through all that again...

-Why do you think you'll get hurt?

-Because it's happened before...

-Yes but we were much has happened since then...we both have grown...we are not the same people anymore

-Exactly...we barely knew each other we know even less

-That is bullshit...

-It's not

-So you are saying you will never trust me?

-I don't know...never is a long time...

-Well I won't wait forever...

-And you shouldn't...And you are not...You just broke up with Phoebe...

-Because I want to be with you...

-What? – Oh not again...

-Yes...Every time my phone rang and I saw it was her and not you I felt so disappointed... I looked at her and felt so bad that I wish it was you I was looking at...Whenever something good happened at work it was you I wanted to tell...It was your number I dialed...

-Oh...I did not see that coming...- I won't say that that speech didn't get to me. But to be honest anything he would say would get to me. He had some kind of power over me. And I hated that.

-Please come back so we can try...- I couldn't give in. I knew we could never work. We weren't meant for each other. If we were it would have happened years ago. We just weren't. No matter how much I wanted it.

-I can't...

-Fine...Just remember, this is what you wanted...

- I know...and I wish I could...but I can't...

-How can you ran away without even trying...

-You may not see it that way...but in my head I have already tried...and failed...

-But now I want to try...

-And now I don't...I don't think you understand how painfull this is...

-Ok...I can't do this then...I have to go...

-Ok...I'll stop bothering you...

-Don't...At least be my friend...


-I can't imagine not getting this random calls and texts anymore

-Good 'cause I can't imagine having to develop self control and not send it or call you...

-Great...I'll be waiting for the next one soon...

-It will come when you least expect...

-Until next time Master Bad Ass

-Until next time Rocker dude

I felt terrible after that. But what to do? I couldn't put my heart on the line again. I had to protect myself. There would always be an Alice or a Phoebe or someone to get in the way. It is sad, but nothing to do. Fate did not want us together and I had already made my peace with it. Now was his turn.

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