Chapter 18

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So, as it was supposed to, life went on. Four days later I got into a plane and left. It didn't feel quite as liberating as I thought it would feel, but yet, I was on my way to live my childhood dream. As for Mark, I don't know what he went on to do, but since he still had two more years in college it wouldn't be that hard to guess.

I didn't want to guess. I wanted nothing to do with him. Of course that was easier said than done since he refused to get out of my head.

About 2 weeks after I got to London my birthday came and some of my best childhood friends came to visit. We were getting ready to go out and celebrate when one of them pointed out that my handbag was ringing. You can imagine my surprise when I saw whose incoming call it was: Mark.


-Oh isn't this a nice surprise...

-I wasn't sure if I should message you...

-I see

-Or If you would message me back

-Why wouldn't I?

-Oh...let's see, you spent 6 months hiding from me, then about a month ago you ignored when I poured my heart out to you and left for London anyway...

-Oh yeah just forgot to mention that all that happened because I found out you lied about having a girlfriend...

-oh yeah...there's are they treating you on the other side of the atlantic?

-Very well...actually this has been the best two weeks of my life...My best friends from Litchfield are visiting....

-For your birthday?

-How do you know it's my birthday?

-I just do...



-So, aren't you going to wish me happy birthday?

-it's not your birthday here yet...

-Then how come you've seen it on facebook?

-Ok I haven't...I have been couting days down...waiting for the excuse to call you...

-Cool I have my own stalker...

-I feel like a ten year old girl...Soon I'll be printing pictures of you and hanging them up on my wall...

-And please send me a picture of that...

-So how is life on the other side of the pond?



-Yeah...what could possibly be better then being in a completely new place, full of things I've never seen, with new people and loads of exploring to do?

-Being here with me...

-Yeah it is actually easier to picture myself riding a flying unicorn that farts rainbows



-So you have never just closed your eyes and just pictured yourself just laying in bed beside me?



-Swear to god. But I see your is weird. I have pictured myself kissing you, or doing other stuff with you...

-Excuse me?


-You had sex thoughts about me?


-How come I never heard anything about this?

-Because now it doesn't matter anymore...

-Why not?

-Because there's an ocean between us...

-yes...that...well maybe I'll wait for you

-yeah right...

- I really like you Laura

-So how's life in wonderful Chicago?

-Sure, just ignore that...Can you turn on your camera?

-yeah...I that why you called me on skype? Cause you miss my pretty face?

-Just do it... I am...



-You look...good...

-Good...thanks...we are going out soon...

-Birthday party?

-Just first birthday without birthday cake...

-Nope...I cannot let that happen...

-And what do you intend to do about it?

-See it for yourself

-Is that a muffin?

-Yes...a birthday muffin...can't you see the candle on top?

-Awww...that is so sweet...


-What are you doing? Is that a guitar?

-Yep...Happy birthdaaay to yoooou


-You are the best!

-I'm not...I just remembered when you said that birthdays were a big deal to you...

-You are great...

-It is worth to see that smile again...I really missed it...

-I don't know what to say...

-Don't say anything...just make a wish and I'll blow your candle for you...


-Got it?


-There you go...So what did you wish for?

-One night of crazy hot sex with you...


-Yeah...too bad that now that I told you it won't come true...

-I will make it come true...

-you can't control the universe...

-I can if it is to make your dreams come true...aaaw that smile...that's all I wanted

-Well it is your fault...Thank you

-You are welcome...Now go...have fun with your friends...

-I will

-But don't cheat on me...

-Cute...but not my boyfriend...

-It was worth a shot...

-Thanks for everything

-Goodnight Professor badass

-Goodnight Rocker guy

I didn't even felt like going out anymore. That for sure had been the most perfect birthday surprise anyone had ever done for me. I was feeling over the moon. How could he be such a jerk and such a great guy at the same time? I guess it didn't matter anyway. To me my birthday always meant new life, and I was determined to live a Mark-free life from then on. Or at least try. Turns out it would be a lot harder than I thought.

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