Chapter 6

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- Ok Laura...I just have to ask you something.

-I don't know how I can drink pure black coffee with no sugar in it either...I just know I love it.

- No, not that.

- Oh ok...

-And you can let me know if it is too personal to answer to someone you just met yesterday – That sounded a lot scarier than you might think to someone who was falling head over heels for rocker guy.

- Dude, you are freaking me out. Just ask.

- Why Villa-Lobos

- What do you mean?

-Out of all composers and musicians, why him?

- Why not?

- Nope. No empty evasive answers will be accepted. If you don't want to answer or if it is too personal and you don't want to tell me, I'll understand. But if you are going to answer you have to do it properly. – Oh...this was getting very interesting.

- Fine. But at least elaborate on the question please.

-Ok, so, do you know how people say Beethoven references life and death concepts in his symphonies? And how number 9 is about universal brotherhood?

- Yes...-Again, so hard to keep it together by this point.

- And you know how everyone gets a sense of freedom and escapism form Debussy's use of the whole tone scale?

- Yes and again, I am surprised YOU know all that.

- And again I should get offended but will choose not to

-Sorry...told you, no filter...- And almost no self control left...

-Yes, I noticed

-Anyway...your question was?

-Yes. In that sense, what is the feeling you get from Villa Lobos? What makes him so special to you?

- Oh it's not special to me

-Oh...ok...I guess...I just thought...Nevermind – He looked as disappointed as a kid who's baseball team just lost the little league's finals in an 90's made for TV movie.

-I'm joking Mark

-Oh thank God. And call me rocker guy. It's growing on me. – I couldn't help but laugh. Also it helped me disguise the huge smile I couldn't keep off my face.

- I will keep it up then. But anyway, I have consciously never thought about this. There are so many different elements in different pieces that sound just lack of a better word. But I think if I had to choose one element that really gets to me in his music that would be for sure rhythm. There are just so many ups and downs, so many twists and turns, so much going on, so much energy.

- I am loving your energy right now...your passion for music

-Yes and you know what? To me, Villa Lobos music is a lot like passion. And a lot like life. You just never know what's going to come next.

-Fair enough

-Is it?


-Did I answer your question properly?


-Are you happy with my answer?


-Oh my God...Should I try again?

-No...You are good for now.

-For now?


-Ok then, I'll prepare better for next time

-You do that

-I will. But what about you?

- What about me?

-What's your reason to like Villa Lobos so much?

- Hey that's my question. If you want to get to know me better than you should come up with your own questions.

- I am shocked

-You better be

- But you know what? After all this, I do want to get to know you better. Actually, every sentence that came out of your mouth so far makes me want to get to know you better.

-Ha...I really made an impression han?

-Yep...- By that point he had just the most mind numbing smile. He kept looking down, like he wasn't so sure about what he was doing. But if you ask me, he was doing a pretty great job.

-Well, you are not doing so bad yourself.

-Thanks. But enough with the being nice. I do have a reputation to live up to.

-Isn't it a little to early to get drunk and live up to it?

-Not that reputation...My bad ass master reputation.

- Oh yeah...that you do...

- Now stop smiling and drink your coffee

- Is my incredibly sexy smile distracting you?

-A little bit...yes...- It really was...

- Sorry...I'll try to tone down my awesomeness

- I think you just did by saying awesomeness

- Ha-ha. Come on let's go. I have photography test in 20 minutes.

-I really miss sophomore easy

-Yeah? What do you have now?

-Who the hell cares, I'm going home to sleep this hang over off...

Yes that's what I told him. What I didn't tell him was that I my plans where to take a very cold shower and spend the rest of my day laying in bed daydreaming about him.

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