Chapter 5

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- What are you doing?

-Turning on the radio?

- Why?

- Ah...reflex I guess...

- Didn't your mother teach you that it is not polite to touch other people's stuff?

- It's your radio, not your tits...Chill.


-Ladies and gentlemen, the queen of England

Ok so maybe I did had an unnecessary freak out when he reached for the radio, but I just could not remember what I had been listening too. And I am a very eclectic person. I like to think I usually have very good musical taste, but with my luck he would turn on the radio and some Backstreet boys would start playing. Not only am I old, but I also have some very embarrassing guilty pleasures. There's nothing wrong with the Backstreet boys, but come on...I had a bad ass reputation to live up to.

(radio playing)

- Is this one of that Bachianas?

- Yes...So? – By then I was still waiting to breath

- Nothing

- I listen to classical music in my what? – Yeah so what. It was his problem if he had no culture.

- Don't get me wrong...number 6 is good...but number 5...Incomparable

- You like classical music?

-Try not to look so's a little bit offensive – Again...couldn't help myself.

-Sorry...just did not see that coming

-I'm not an expert or anything

-But you knew from 3 notes that this was number 6

- I have a thing for Villa what?

- Nothing

-What's that smile supposed to mean? – That I was unable to keep my mouth shut due to how impressed and amazed I was by him?

-Nothing...just happy to see coffee approaching. equals happiness

-Couldn't agree more

- Apparently we agree on a lot of things

- Apparently we do

- You should smile like that more often

-Just happy about coffee

- Shut up...

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