Chapter 23

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That was painfull...But I got over it. Like I always did. If anything that's what this whole mess had taught me. Whatever happened I could always move past it. Just could never stop moving.

Two months later I felt ready to pick up my phone.

-I knew the 300th time would be a charm...

-What are you talking about?

-You, not returning my calls for the past two months...

-Oh yeah...that...Sorry...I've been busy...

-How's the new job? Where are you today?

-Rockford...It's going great...I just put in my two weeks' notice...



-Bored already?

-Not really...Just got a better offer...

-So where are you off to next?

-Cruise ships


-You heard me

-What are you going to do on a cruise ship?

-Hopefully meet loads of new interesting people, travel the world and get some good stories to tell...

-Sounds like a good plan...but what job are you going to do?

-I'm going to sell stuff...

-Sounds like fun...

-Who cares...Every job is the same...

-If you say so... what did you want to talk to me about?


-Yeah...with the 300 calls

-Oh yeah...just wanted to check how you were's getting hard to keep track though... is short....

-Specially when you drink as much as you do...

-Funny...Speaking of's Farrah?


-Yeah, how is she?


-Are you guys in love? Getting married What are you going to name your kids?


-What? Don't tell me you are afraid of commitment?

-I am not...but can I graduate college before you start giving me kids?

-I won't give you kids...Phoebe will...

-And how's your love life?

-Oh...I actually met someone...


-Yeah...I had to do this one week training thing to work on the ship and I met this guy...Nice guy...

-Is he?

-Not really...he is kind of a jerk pretending to be nice...but I've been single for a while'll do for now...

-Do you hear yourself sometimes?

-Why? Only guys can talk like that? Besides I am just being realistic...We are not even going to work for the same company...

-So it has an expiration date...too bad...

-Too bad? You were a better liar when I first met you...

-I guess I couldn't tell I was lying then...

-And that is why I am being more careful now...

-Everyone is guilty until proven innocent?

-Everyone is a jerk until proven otherwise...

-Did I scar you for life?

-Cute...don't flatter yourself honey...I just let my guard down with you...Just want to make sure it won't happen again...

-Good...'cause when it does it will be me again...and this time I'll be ready...

-Dream on...

-You'll see...

-So when is your graduation?

-Next month...will you be around?

-Probably not...

-Too bad

-Any big plans for the future?

-Get drunk out of my mind and cry for my lost hopes and dreams...

-Sounds like a great plan

-And after that I don't know...Try to get a job...

-In Chicago of course

-Of course

-Will you ever leave?

-Is that an invitation?


-Then probably not...

-That is just sad...

-Not all of us are running away from something...

-oh and what am I running away from?

-I still haven't figured it out yet...But I'll let you know...

-Please do...

-Happy graduation Rocker guy

-Happy new job Professor Bad ass

-Send my love to Phoebe

-Send my love to Jerk

Yes...send love to jerk. Right. As previously mentioned jerk had an expiration date. And that was actually a good thing. What would come next was something no one or nothing could have prepared me for. Life at sea was good. Life at was actually the best choice I could have made.

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