Chapter 7: Strange New Feelings

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     Michelle ran the entire way to Erin's house, completely out of breath as she got to the front door.
"Christ... but I gotta... cut back... on those fuckin' cigarettes!" Michelle exclaimed through her pantings.
Once she properly caught her breath, she rang the doorbell, being greeted by the Quinn matriarch.
"Greetin's Michelle," said Mary. "Didn't expect ye over tonight. Thought ye had work."
"Somethin' came up," replied Michelle, still a bit out of breath.
"Ye alright, love?" Mary asked. "Ye're breathin' awfully fierce."
"Aye, grand... just a wee out of breath," Michelle answered. "Gotta talk to Erin and the others. They here?"
"Aye, they're all up in Erin's room like usual," answers Mary.
"Thanks a lot, Mary," said Michelle, still panting some.
"An' ye really should stop that smokin'," Mary said to her as she walked up the stairs.

Erin's door wasn't closed, so Michelle just walked right in. Everyone was definitely surprised to see her.
"Michelle? What're ye doin' here?" Erin asked. "Thought ye had work?"
"Bunked off," Michelle replied. "Some crazy shit happened, and I really need to talk to ye Girls!"
"Won't Dennis fire ye for that?" Clare asked.
"Fuck-a-doodle-do if he does," answered Michelle. "Then he's gotta find someone else to put up with his shit. Good fuckin' luck with that."
     "Ok, so what crazy shit occurred?" James asked to move the discussion along.
     "I confronted that Fidgety Ginger Fucker about talkin' with Orla yesterday," Michelle answered.
     "At Dennis's Wee Shop?" James asked.
     "Where the fuck else, Dicko?" Michelle retorted. "It's one places I know he'll be!"
     "How was Fin Fin?" Orla asked with her usual enthusiasm.
     "I wasn't askin' him how his day was, Orla!" Michelle exclaimed.
     "Well that's just rude," Orla replied.
     "So, what happened?" Erin asked, wanting to get to the point.

     "I take him out of the shop to ask what his fuckin' deal was," Michelle explained. "He says some shit about bein' nervous 'round me, so then I ask what the fuck fer!? I says out with it already! Then he says it's because he finds me incredibly beautiful!"
There was a moment of silence as the rest of the Girls let that sink in.
"Cuz lookin' into my dazzlin' eyes makes it feel like his heart is gonna feckin' burst out his chest!" Michelle went on, basically quoting Fin verbatim, even acting fidgety herself as she paced the room, arms flailing about. "I got such... a fiery passion that it makes it hard fer him to even breathe!" Her face was almost beat red at this point. "Those conversations we have... however brief they may be... are the highlight of his days!" She even appeared to welling up a bit. "But... he knows a girl as stunnin' as m'self... would have zero interest in the likes of himself..."

     Everyone remained silent for an indeterminate amount of time. You could hear a pin drop it was quiet, the only real noise being Michelle's panting.
"Well?" Michelle finally asked.
"Well, what exactly?" James asked.
"What the fuck was all that shite, Dicko!?" Michelle exclaimed.
"Sounds to me like a declaration of his affections," Erin chimed in.
"Aye, that seems rather obvious," agreed Clare.
"So seein' ye makes him feel like he's gonna have a heart attack?" Orla asked, making everyone sigh a bit. "If that doesn't sound like love, I don't know what does." She then just smiled her usual smile.
"What the fuck do I do 'bout this!?" Michelle asked with panic in her voice.
"What do ye want to do?" Erin asked.
"I don't fuckin' know!" Michelle exclaimed, her voice becoming slightly shaky. "A fella has never said anythin' like that to me! B'fore that, the most romantic shit a bloke ever said to me was that I had cracker tits! Which, ye know, I won't argue with that!" Orla nodded in agreement while the other three gave looks. "But... this was next fuckin' level! An' he thinks he doesn't have a chance with me!? Does he think I'm too good fer him!? His da's a lawyer or something, for fuck's sake!"
     "I think it's more about looks," James chimed in. "He doesn't think he's attractive enough for you."
     "That's fuckin' nonsense, it is!" Michelle continued to exclaim. "Fin isn't a bad lookin' fella! Ok, he's ginger, but it's a rather dark shade, so I think I can look past that."
     "So, ye fancy him too?" Erin asked, even though she figured as much.

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