Chapter 26: After Party

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The dance thankfully finished without any more drama. Most who attended ended up at the Joyce residence for an after party, including our familiar group of rambunctious friends. The music was already in full swing when they showed up.

"The size of this motherfuckin' house!" Niall exclaimed, as he looked around the main entrance.
"Aye! It's class!" replied Orla. "There's 8 bedrooms, and some of em have these wee tiny bathrooms off to the side!"
"What the hell do Jenny's parents do?" Niall asked.
"Her Da's a big time surgeon over at Altnagelvin," answered Erin. "He took Orla's tonsils out."
"And not a day goes by when I don't think about them," Orla said solemnly. "Granda found out from Dr. Joyce that they just toss em out!"
"Stall the ball," said Michelle. "Jenny's Da actually spoke to Joe?"
"What's the big deal?" James asked.
"Cuz my Ma said he never talks," answered Michelle.
"What? Like, doesn't say much?" James asked.
"No, like he doesn't say one fuckin' word," replied Michelle.
"Aye, it's true," Erin chimed in. "Accordin' to my Ma, he talked plenty when datin' Jenny's Ma, Janette Joyce, formerly O'Shea. But then, one day, he just stopped."
"Seriously?" James asked.
"Aye, I heard the same from my Ma," said Clare.
"That's fucked up," said Niall.
"Who just stops talkin'?" asked Laurie.
"I met him when I had me... um... appendix removed a few years ago," said Fin. "The nurse did all the talkin' and explainin', while he just nodded."
"Jesus, but that's weird," said Niall.
     "Totally fuckin' insane, it is," said Michelle.

The conversation came to a halt once a new song began playing; recent smash hit song, C'est la Vie by Irish girl group B*Witched. All the Girls gasped in excitement.
     "It's our song, Girls!" exclaimed Clare.
     "Happy fuckin' days!" exclaimed Michelle.
     Nearly every girl from Our Lady Immaculate took to the dance floor, all of them at this point familiar with the choreography from the music video.
     "Not familiar with this one," Niall chuckled as he watched Orla dance happily.
     "Christ, but it's been playing everywhere recently," groaned James.
     "Aye," agreed Fin. "My... um... sister'll have it blastin' in her room at full volume. Ma has to constantly yell at her to turn it down."

     Niall kept watching his girlfriend dance in pure joy, a warm smile plastered on his face. His girlfriend? Still hard to comprehend! Stupid as it sounded in his head, he really hoped this wasn't a dream. Once the song was done, normal dancing continued and the Girls got back with their partners.
"That was a cracker dance routine," Niall said sign a chuckle.
"Aye, it is!" Orla exclaimed. "We watched that music video and live performance hundreds of times, so we did!"
"I don't doubt that," said Niall.
"Will ye come dance with me now?" Orla asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.
"Sounds absolutely grand," Niall answered with a warm smile.

While the other couples shared a couple dances with each other, they soon found themselves looking for some empty rooms for a bit of alone time. Michelle had her legs wrapped around Fin's waist as they snogged like mad, pawing each other. The fidgety ginger fella felt around for a doorknob and nearly fell backwards when it opened. They both laughed as they plopped in a large bed.
"It was really fuckin' sexy... the way you's stood up fer me at the dance," Michelle breathily said in between kisses.
"I mean... um... I w-wasn't gonna let some arsehole s-say... um... shit a-bout you's," Fin fumbled to say as Michelle unbuttoned his shirt.
"It was still fuckin' class," she said as she kissed his bare torso. "I'm gonna do somethin' for you's that I've never done for another fella b'fore!"
"W-w-what's that!?" he asked as she undid his belt.
     "Just wait and see!" she exclaimed with a devilish smirk. She then slid her straps down and yanked at the waist of his pants.
     "S-s-sweet J-Jesus!" he exclaimed.

     Meanwhile, in a different room, Erin and James were softly kissing while sitting on the side of a bed.
"So... are ye sure ye're ready for this?" Erin asked as she broke away from the kiss.
"Aren't I supposed to be asking you that?" James asked with a chuckle.
"Seems best if we're both ready, hi," she retorted in a nervous tone.
"I'm definitely ready," he answered warmly. "I hope you are too."
"Definitely!" she exclaimed a little too excitedly.
"Good," he chuckled. "I'd hate to see these go to waste."
The wee English fella then pulled out the wee box Gerry gave him before the dance.
"Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "Are those condoms!? Real, actual condoms!?"
"I certainly hope so," he smirked.
"Where'd you's get them?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Just... at a drug store," he gulped, not wanting to say her dad gave them to him.
"Ye didn't get them at the Woolworths, did ye?" she asked nervously. "Mammy works at the Woolworths!"
"I'm aware of that, Erin," he replied as calmly as possibles. "I didn't get them at the Woolworth."
"Not Dennis's Wee Shop?" she asked. "Jesus, but that would be a nightmare!"
"Does Dennis even sell those?" he asked.
"I never looked," she answered.
James grabbed Erin's hand and rubbed it gently.
"Look, it doesn't matter where I got them," he said. "It's just good that I have them.
"Aye. That's a fair point," she conceded. "Do you's... know how to use em?"
"Got a decent idea," he answered. "I got some sex education at my school in London."
"Thank God," she sighed. "They certainly aren't teaching it at our school!"
They took another look at the wee both, both going wide eyed as they took the next big step in their relationship.

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