Chapter 14: Shopping

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Niall woke up in the early Sunday morning as he usually did. After 5 years in prison, he was used to waking up early. It was only his second day as free man, but it had already been eventful. He didn't start work till tomorrow, so he still had another day do as he pleased. He just had no idea what that would be. He'd lived half a decade on a set schedule, now his time was more flexible. It was a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Slipping on his hoodie, he made a trip to a nearby shop to gather some toiletries. He'd yet to have a proper shower, and he figured he was smelling ripe. The stuff used in the prison shower may have gotten you clean, but it smelled awful. He looked at the various labels, unsure of how to choose.

"Need any assistance?" the female shopkeep asked with a smile.
She looked to be in her 40s, blonde hair, blue eyes, not exactly slender, but not what you'd call heavyset either.
"Aye," Niall replied. "Just tryin' to find some new soap and shampoo. Not exactly familiar with brands.
"First time buyin' yer own, I see," she replied. "Lemme guess, livin' on yer own now? Yer Ma usually did this sort o' shoppin' for ye?"
"Aye... that's what it is," he replied.
This wasn't technically a lie, he was living on his own (well sharing a place, but they weren't related and he was paying rent), and he had never bought his own toiletries before. His Ma had taken care of all that when he still lived at home.
     "How would you describe yer hair?" she asked.
     "Pardon?" he asked, not understanding.
     "Can't really tell with that hoodie pulled over ye," she explained. "Is it curly, wavy, straight?"
     "I s'pose I would say it's wavy," he answered.
     "Have any allergies?" she asked.
     "None that I know of," he answered.
     "Sensitive skin?" she asked.
     "Not... really," he managed to answer. His scarring really didn't cause any irritation that he could think of.
     After a few more questions, the shopkeep picked out a brand of shampoo and soap for Niall. He got himself a couple towels, a new toothbrush, toothpaste, and a razor in case he decided he wanted to shave at some point.

     Bliss! That was the word on Niall's mind as he let the hot water pour over him. Absolute fucking bliss! The pressure was just right, and the warmth enveloped his whole body. The shampoo and soap smelled brilliant. There was of course the luxury of being completely alone in the shower, something he'd longed ages for.

     This also meant he got to take care of something else that he couldn't do in the prison showers (not unless he wanted some unwanted attention). He felt a bit of shame from this (raised Catholic after all), but he was still a healthy young man, and men get their urges. His cell was the only place he could ever get that release, but that also meant not always being able to clean up properly. That wasn't an issue now.

The subject of these rather sinful thoughts also made him feel a bit guilty. Niall's experience with women had been limited due to him being imprisoned at a young age. Even in his early teens, he was a bit shy, so he didn't talk to girls much. His fantasies were typically reserved for actresses, models, singers, etc.; but today was the first time these thoughts were aimed at someone he knew in person.

Niall was thankful he had a spare change of clothes, he'd need to wash his hoodie before heading out. Today was a good day to buy some extra clothing. His destination was the Foyleside Shopping Centre, a regular hangout spot in his early teens. Walking there from where he was now was close to half an hour.

The Girls themselves were at the shopping centre, looking to get dresses at Primark for a dance next Saturday. Jenny Joyce had made the announcement on Friday, a celebration for the graduating class. They were all excited as this would be the first time they had guaranteed dates to a school dance. Speaking of which, Fin and Laurie had also joined them, although the plan was to keep it secret what everyone would pick.

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