CHAPTER 2: My Stupid Brother

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Of course it was a dream. Of course he had a sleep-deprivation induced hallucination right in the middle of the cafeteria.

How embarrassing.

Devland buried his face in his palms as he sat up on the bed, letting the gentle breeze that rolled in from the window to calm him down.

He was in the infirmary; white curtains drawn back, a small tray filled with food sitting on the drawer near his bed, and various cupboards containing all types of medicine stacked against the opposite wall. The nurse was missing, probably went out to do something, but Devland was glad that he was alone.

He took a deep breath, clenching his fists and unfurling them to keep his fingers from trembling too much. He picked up the tray and tenderly stabbed at the food. A sandwich, an apple with a bar of chocolate–probably to help with his glucose levels.

Devland was starving. Having only eaten little in the morning, he managed to scarf down the apple and half of his sandwich. He forced himself to finish the rest of his lunch, refusing to waste it and silently thanked the nurse for keeping a tray ladenned with food next to him.

He noticed that a chair had been pulled up near his bed, and the opposite bed was messy. Meaning, his new friends had been there in the infirmary before leaving for their classes.

Devland's mind immediately wandered to Aster, the lanky boy with terrible fashion sense. He wondered about his relation with Charlie's friend group. It didn't seem... normal.

But what did Devland know about friendship?

He sighed, laying back down on the bed and closing his eyes. Exhaustion took over and he drifted into a deep slumber.


He decided to skip school the next day, waiting outside in the nearby bushes for his parents to go out, spare key in hand. He figured that they were probably going to a nearby bar, ready to drink away their problems while Devland cleaned up their messes when they showed up late at night.

He slumped into the couch, switching on the TV and almost immediately, an image of a gruesome murder popped up with the headlines 'Family of four died due to car accident.'

What a wonderful way to start the day.

Devland immediately switched the channel, mindlessly shifting from one to another until he finally stopped at a nature documentary about insects. He watched in rapt attention as the camera zoomed in on a cute ladybug, relaxing on a dew-dropped leaf.

After three hours of sleeping on the couch, occasionally listening to different facts about animals blaring from the screen, Devland dragged himself upstairs and laid down. Staring up at the ceiling, he thought back to his vivid hallucination yesterday.

Goosebumps spread across his body as he thought back to his detached arm, staying frozen on the table. Devland sat up in sheer fright, clutching his head as he tried to get the image out of his mind. Distract yourself.

He walked around the room, observing the trophies and the books and the sticky notes. Maths test this Friday!, Assignment due tomorrow, Charlie's bday party on the weekend.

Wait, Charlie? As in Charlie Heatings?

Devland carefully inspected the sticky note. He knew that his brother attended the same school as he did currently, but there was no mention that he was friends with Charlie. Oh—hold on.

Devland reached for his suitcase, zipping it open and taking out a stack of mail. He ruffled through it, ignoring the pang of hurt in his heart and pulled out a specific letter. Devland opened it tenderly, as if he was handling something fragile, something important.

'....I know C is my friend, but he can be kind of a bitch sometimes, you know?' His brother had written, 'But I still love him, he's a good kid. I wish I could meet you, dad's getting better again and I think he'll love you. How is mom? Is she still beating you? Is she still like old mom?...'

Devland folded the letter, gritting his teeth. 'So Charlie is the C.' He refocused his attention on that thread, 'And the rest of the letters... must be Jason, Todd, Roy, Mitchel and—'

Why didn't he tell me?

Devland froze, a chill passing through his body as cold water leaked into his mind. 'Why didn't he tell me he was suffering? I would've come here straight away. I would've–I would've done something–I could've done something! WHY MAX–'

A sudden bang on the window made him flinch. Devland observed the pigeon who just slammed into the glass with creased eyebrows, "Steve?"

The white topped pigeon simply glared at Devland through the glass. "Goddammit Steve." Devland cursed as he walked over to the window and opened it, trying his best to not smile at the bird, "Hi?"

The pigeon cooed.

"You know, you're pretty brave for a pigeon. You're used to people talking to you?"

The pigeon turned his head and looked up at Devland, now sitting on the window sill.

"Where's Daniel?"

The pigeon nodded.

Devland was pleased with the answer and stared out of the window. It overlooked the glittering river behind them, sparkling blue under the sky. Thick forest spread out on the other side, its canopies turning yellow from the sunlight. The scene was inviting, like a hot summer day where you and your family sit outside and eat ice cream.

Devland prised his eyes away from the scenery and looked down on the letters, his only tether to Max. He clutched it tightly.

Steve cooed excitedly, jumping up and down from his perch before he dived down. Devland leaned out from the window and his eyes widened at the leaf covered package sitting innocently atop a ledge.

What the fuck?

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