CHAPTER 23: What have You Done?

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September ended on a high note with Sunday. Which meant Halloween was coming up.

Everyone was getting ready for the end of October; hanging up tiny ghosts on their windows, buying costumes and stocking up on candies. Apparently, most seniors in his grade had begged the principal to host a Halloween Party instead of a winter formal. Akira also joined in on the begging, trying to have some kind of fun.

Devland also seemed busy with school work—Akira would sometimes spot him supervising a herd of freshmen on the decorations for the party, trying his best to not glare murderously at the fumbling newbies. Akira pitied the poor kids.

"So stupid." Devland grumbled after he and Akira sat down for lunch with Aubrey and her gang, who they were now kind of close with, "Do I have to give a detailed step-by-step instruction for everything they do?"

"Calm down dude." Akira squeezed Devland's hand, his eyes scanning the cafeteria for some people in particular, "Are they still not back yet?"

Devland merely shrugged. It had been two days; The Elites were supposed to come back on Monday, but hadn't yet. Devland said that he was checking up on them daily, but Akira was still worried.

"Devland, Akira, you guys should come and visit Jamsie this evening!" Aubrey exclaimed delightfully, "He only bites if you're being an asshole so don't worry."

"Ah sorry Dev, guess you can't come. I don't want you to get bitten." Akira's tone dripped with fake sympathy before Devland jabbed him in the ribs, which made him yelp and the whole table exploded into laughs and chuckles.

"I'm sorry Aubrey but I can't today. Or tomorrow for that matter." Devland said sincerely, "I have to do something for my dad."

Akira tried not to frown as he noticed the obviously fake tone that Devland used. It was slightly flat and unless you knew Devland well, you wouldn't be able to catch on that little detail.

Aubrey waved her hand dismissively and all of them dissolved into a conversation until finally both Akira and Devland had to leave.

"Bye!" Mark called, giving a two fingered salute as Aubrey waved goodbye. Ivan nodded in acknowledgement. Always a man of few words.

"Woah wait wait—" Akira grabbed Devland's wrist as the other hurried away, checking his watch every now and then. " —Where you off to? And also... Dev... why did you lie back there?"

"I—Uhm–" Devland bit his lower lip, playing with Akira's fingers, "I'm busy."

"Busy? What are you doing?"

"Well I'm—" Devland faltered and hung his head, shoulders sagging. Akira's heart twisted at the sight of such defeat, he wondered what was causing the other such pain.

Oh. He knew the answer.

"It's your mom, isn't it?" He didn't mean for his voice to come out in such a harsh manner, but he couldn't help it. That woman made his blood boil. "Is that bi—I mean, woman, giving you trouble?"

Devland didn't answer.

Akira sighed, pulling him into a hug, feeling Devland's trembling hands on his waist. "It's okay, I understand. You want me there with you?"

A slight shake of Devland's head.

"Okay, also—when should we go to the station? We're filing a report right?"

The two of them kind of, sort of agreed on this route. However, both of them felt unsatisfied with the inevitable outcome. Akira held some sort of hope that they would pay dearly for their crimes, but he highly highly doubted that. Rich people could get away with anything.

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