CHAPTER 22: The Sinking Sun

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"Holy shit." Akira exhaled sharply as he stared down at the open parcel. The evening rays filtered in through the window, making the content of the parcel light up beautifully. He picked the shirt up delicately, examining it with awe.

It was a midnight blue ribbed knit top; the material felt both expensive and comfortable as Akira set it carefully on the bed. He then examined the shoes; crisp white.

Akira excitedly tried it on, even though it was a little loose at some places, he would grow into it. He gleefully put on the rest of his attire, checking himself out in the mirror after he did so.

Akira looks good in midnight blue.

It made sense now. Also the other sticky note—it made sense. Devland had been planning this before he left. 'That sneaky bastard' Akira thought fondly as he looked at his own smiling face.

When he heard the loud knock on the door, he bursted out of his room, running towards the door and yanking it open. Outside waited Devland, just like he promised.

The boy wore a white loosely-buttoned shirt tucked inside neatly ironed pants. It was obvious that Devland had taken much care in the way he had presented himself; from the precise eyeliner wing, down to the bouquet of sunflowers. "Hi."

Akira didn't bother to reply, pulling him into a kiss, his heart somewhere above the heavens. Fireworks exploded in his mind as different emotions overwhelmed him; love, relief and happiness.

"I missed you too." Devland grinned sheepishly, his cheeks slightly flushed, "Also, I picked some sunflowers. Hope you like it—"

"I love it." Akira interrupted, "I love it—everything. Thank you Devland."

Devland let out a strangled noise that Akira couldn't help but laugh, smiling that shy smile of his. After they met Akira's mother and father (Akira had never seen Devland look so pale), they set off, both of them chattering and laughing about nothing in particular.

"Where are you taking me?" Akira smiled.

"You'll see." Devland winked, "I promise you're gonna love it."

Devland could've taken him to Taco Bell and Akira would've loved it. The two boys boarded a bus, Akira squeezing Devland's hand and kissing the other's cheek as Devland buried his face in his palms, his ears turning red.

Finally, they got off and Devland dragged Akira to a nearby forest trail, taking the gravelled path down down and down.

"Be careful, it's a bit slippery." Devland called out as Akira jumped down from rock to rock as nimble as a cat, not caring whether he fell or not. Akira never fell.

He looked behind, smiling up at Devland who was letting out a surprised laugh, his hair slightly fluttering in the wind as the golden rays touched its tips, making him look more ethereal than he already looked.

Okay maybe sometimes, Akira fell.

"Seriously, where are you taking me?" Akira asked for the umpteenth time as Devland dragged him hither-thither.

"Be patient." Devland said excitedly, "We're almost there."

They came to the edge of the forest, and Akira could see the bank of a river. As they emerged from the trees, Akira's breath caught.

The river bent and turned, flowing into the horizon as trees flanked its sides. The leaves burned red as the setting sun dipped, deeper and deeper into the water as it rippled and glistened. It was beautiful, everything—everything was so beautiful.

"I—Devland—wow–I–" Akira stuttered as he walked forward, taking off his shoes and dipping his toes in the water. He let out a cry when the cold stung him, but after a while, it merely faded.

Akira was mesmerised by the wonderful hue the sky was turning; birds pierced through the sky in perfect formation. He suddenly felt cool fingers link through his hand and he looked at Devland.

The other had his eyes closed, letting the breeze play with his hair as the edges of his lips curved upwards. His shirt billowed around him whimsically.

His beauty rivalled even the sky's.

"You're staring." Devland mused, looking at the now flushed Akira with one eye open, "I'm enjoying it."

"How'd you even find this place?" Akira breathed.

Devland merely shrugged, "It was an accident. I decided to take a walk—clear my head, and stumbled upon this place. Then I wondered if you would like it so I started planning."

"I love it." Akira wrapped an arm around Devland's shoulders, bringing him closer to himself, placing his head against the other's. "Who knew you would be this romantic?"

"There's plenty of things you don't know about me, Fukumoto." Devland smirked, kissing Akira's neck.

"I would love to learn more about you then." Akira replied genuinely.

Devland looked up at Akira, his mouth slightly parted. His brown eyes burned a different colour under the light. "I would like that too."



And they stayed like that way for a while, enjoying the beautiful sunset; hands linked, hearts beating rhythmically. 

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