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He couldn't get that symbol out of his head; everytime he closed his eyes, he could see it–the horrified eyes boring into him.

For some reason, Devland didn't want to contact Akira. Both of them were processing what happened last night in their own way.

It changed something in Devland—made him feel more empty and cynical than usual. He was more drained and lifeless than he usually was.

His mother was on her feet today, it was the first time Devland actually saw her move around the house. He was so worn down by last night's adventure that he wasn't at all on his guard today.

"Devie, can you get me some water?" His mother called from the couch as she watched the TV—some random cartoon that Devland and Max used to watch when they were five.

" 'Phineas and Ferb' is still airing?" Devland mused as he sat down on the other end of the couch. He liked that show, it was his entire childhood. He and his brother would fondly rant about the latest episodes to their parents during family dinner.

His mother didn't answer the question but instead asked, "How are your studies going? Aren't exams starting soon?"

"I'm up-to-date." Devland replied, "And yeah it is."

"Then why aren't you studying?"

Devland frowned, ignoring the warning signs screaming in his head. "The exams are gonna start next month, mom. I have time."

"Your brother would've started studying by now . He's always the top of his class." His mother grumbled, tucking her greasy brown hair behind her ear, "Why can't you be more like him?"

Devland gritted his teeth, "Because I'm not him."

"Why can't you try to be?" His mother's tone was slowly rising, "Why can't you try to be at least a fraction of what he was? You can't even live up to his memory!"

"I'm trying, mom, I'm trying—"

"You're not!" She screamed, "You continue to disappoint me with your reckless and rebellious acts. Did you even ask me how I am? Do you even care to ask how I'm feeling? You don't even look at me anymore!"

"What?! I took care of all your mess while you were passed out drunk on the sofa!" Devland's tone rose dangerously. Both of them were standing now, the cartoon blaring on as background noise.

"That's what you are supposed to do! I am your mother—"


That was it—that was the fuse.

His mother froze in her place, staring at Devland with glassy brown eyes. "How–" She sputtered, "How dare you?!"

She raised her fist and landed a clean blow on the side of his face. "I took care of you for sixteen years and this is how you repay me?!" Devland's eyes widened as her hand suddenly reached for the glass of water. Fuck.

She threw it onto the ground in rage, the glass grazing Devland's feet and drenching the rug. His mother was now screaming, yelling at the mess he had made and Devland just stood there, numb and slowly dying.

" —You know what I thought, while I was here all alone?" His mother's voice was venomous, "That if I had to pick who was to die between the two of you... Do you know who I would choose?"

Devland didn't answer that, instead his face was emotionless, his gaze boring into his mother's furious eyes. He wanted to scream, to shout at his mother, to do something, to feel anything. But he couldn't—he stood there like a doll, waiting for his mother to stab him with her words.

"I'd choose you."

That broke something in Devland—or maybe, the broken thing got shattered even further. He heard his father bursting into the scene, his voice filled with rage, but Devland just stood there.

He looked into his mother's eyes, containing nothing but venom. When has she ever looked at him with love?

'Oh' He thought feebly to himself, 'When Max was around.'

Devland turned and ran out of the house, ignoring the ruckus his mother was creating. He burst into the street, panting heavily. His emotions were leaking in through the fractures in the glass wall; pain, grief, hurt, anger... all the feelings he had long buried coming back to haunt him.

It was overwhelming, it was maddening. His head erupted into pain as he stumbled down the road, wishing that a car would swerve and hit him.

His feet stopped when a sudden sense of deja vu came over him. Devland looked around and his eyes landed on the distant dark figure.


"FUCK OFF!" He screamed, voice cracking. But the monster didn't go away.

"You can't hurt me–you're not real. You're not real. You only exist in my dreams." Devland spat out the words, though fear made him stumble back.

"I can't hurt you?" The monster's voice spoke, chilling him to the bone.

"You can't hurt me." Devland repeated firmly, though his voice wavered.

"I can't hurt you?" The monster questioned again and this time, it grew in size, black sludge forming long limbs and arms merging into claws.

Devland was running again, running for his life. He didn't dare look back as he knew the monster was right behind him. Panic surged through his blood as he turned a sharp corner and pushed past some pedestrians. He noticed in the reflection of a mirror that the monster wasn't far behind.

'Leave me alone!' Devland wanted to scream as tears stung his eyes, 'Why can't everyone just leave me alone?!'

He clenched his teeth, forcing himself to not cry. Not now. Devland ignored his feelings once again as they roared for a release.

He saw a busy lane in the distance and another reckless, stupid plan formulated in his mind. Devland picked up speed and checked the right and left side for an oncoming car.

He saw a truck in the distance, barrelling towards him at top speed. Devland didn't believe in God, but if there was a powerful entity looking down on his stupid actions, please make this work.

Devland, despite the pedestrians' many outcries, ran into traffic. What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion; Devland saw the truck's headlight, the driver's panicked expression, it started slowing down as Devland made a desperate jump for safety. The creature was right behind him, ready to slit his throat until the truck slammed into it.

He rolled on the hard pavement, out of breath and panting. The adrenaline was still in his veins as his heart went crazy in his chest. His lungs seemed like it would explode and he was pretty sure he had broken a bone.

Was he safe?

Devland looked behind and thankfully, didn't see any sign of the monster. However, the truck driver, along with many pedestrians, were crowding around something. Devland slowly got to his feet and despite the pain exploding at various parts in his body, he staggered forward.

Devland pushed through the crowd and looked down at the broken body of his father, lying still on the road with a puddle of blood surrounding him.

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